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Hi Pahill,

It clearly states this at the end of the itinerary tab on the website.

Best wishes,


Hi Pahill,

Thank you for bringing this to the attention of our community members. It is in the new brochure and on the website and states that

" If you wish to travel to the USA after visiting Iran, then you will need a full USA visa which will require a visit to 
the embassy."

It does currently mean that following this tour, you would be unable to travel to the USA under the easy- entry visa waiver programme but we're sure that many of those wishing to visit the dazzling wonders of Persia will not be put off and will be prepared to visit the US embassy for the required visa.

Kind Regards,


I noticed this new holiday to Iran but nowhere does it caution prospective bookers that if they go on this tour they will be banned from entering the United States of America for the rest of their life on the Visa Waiver Programme - requiring a full embassy-acquired visa from then on. Details here on the US Government's foreign office website: 

I think this should be mentioned to stop those interested in ever travelling to the US again easily from sleepwalking into permanent exclusion from the country's easy-entry Visa Waiver Programme.