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I think we are aware that prices will generally increase annually but I am concerned that JY's pricing is starting to look uncompetitive. I certainly want JY to flourish as I have had some great holidays but with the headline price increasing significantly and all the added extras such as meals and optional excursions, the overall cost will put a lot of people off. I recently spent xmas and new year touring Thailand with another company (13 nights) all meals and excursions included with an internal flight for £3190. I can't help feeling that if JY had run this tour the headline price would be £300-£400 more but 11 nights more meals would have to be paid for and many excursions classed as optional.

I may be wrong but I wonder if JY are relying to much on the loyalty of existing customers and are becoming complacent.


Hello All,

Due to price of single fares which would take me to New Zealand for last New Years Eve, the only tour was with Titan and would cost 8K to celebrate my 60th. My daughters could not come, one being pregnant so I had to change my plans and look to this year.

I have checked with all companies with most charging 6K for a single person. I finally went back to the company I knew best was JY. For £4,999 I get to go to Singapore for a few days- they have a Hard Rock Cafe and Universal Studios on Sentosa Island 😃  plus see most of New Zealand and tick a few boxes. Roll on October 🙂

So for me, this company has it right on prices.


Good Afternoon LizC,

Although we try our best to keep increases to the minimum sometime they are necessary. We negotiate each tour individually to try to balance quality and affordability. For the tour Pompeii, Sorrento & the Bay of Naples for example, we use almost in exclusivity a family run hotel, Hotel Palma. In order to keep providing a good quality service they needed a small rate increase.

Rest assured we negotiate the best deal for our Just You customers.

Kind Regards,


Why is Just You's prices increases when similar trip with their "sister" company Travelsphere have cut the price of some holidays. The one I have compared is Pompeii, Sorrento and the Bay of Naples.

Unfortunately prices always go up and seldom come down. I see this year on year and we just have to learn to live with this. My train fares go up each year despite poor service and by the time I add on all the other increases I find that I have less and less money in my pocket each year as the salary is not keeping pace! Personally I feel blessed in that at least I have a job and a roof over my head.


These price rises and Brexit consequences mean I'll be spending more holidays discovering the UK. Maybe JY need to look into creating innovative UK holidays for those abandoning foreign travel for the foreseeable future.
Phew Cindy - I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought we all paid the same.

I agree Bob - exchange rates are not going to change anytime soon for the better. Oil price will go up again. I would be amazed if holiday prices come down. I just better get that holiday booked and forget about it. I feel however for folks who are perhaps being budgeted out.

At the welcome first night get together everyone will be comparing what they paid! Ah the joys. 

Sorry if I'm being a tad negative JY - still love you!


Some of the price increases for 2017 are indeed eye-watering! Which brings me back to a point that I made on a different thread regarding included chauffeur service.

If this was included for the current 2017 prices it might help with bookings, as people could at least see something tangible associated (in part) with the additional cost. Currency and aircraft fuel price fluctuations, etc are all valid reasons why costs may have to rise (Roger is quite right to point that out), but customers don't actually see anything extra for their hard-earned cash.

So I think that this is something worthy of consideration. Over to you JY!


Price changes are a fact of life, usually up, rarey down.  But what gets me is a relatively low headline price, in order to keep the apparent cost down, then to find costly optional excursions, which if not taken up, mean sitting in the hotel all day.

One in particular stood out, San Marino, one of the optional excursions is...........  the farewell dinner!  Well, it helped to keep the headline price down.

Rant over.


Hi Angie, yes the price at booking is the price we pay regardless of whether it goes up or down in the meantime.  As sterling is expected to remain weaker in the medium term (or so I've read), I'd say prices are unlikely to be coming down any time soon and may rise further!  I did warn some of my UK friends that Brexit would mean more expensive holidays but they didn't listen to me!!

All the best,
