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Thank you everyone, all your comments are very gratefully received! I don't know what I was worried about, really, you're all right and I know I'll enjoy it!

Thank you all. X

And I'll see you Friday Steve!

Hi Sarah

I agree with everything that has already been said. You will always regret if you cancel just because you are worried about being the youngest in the group. Age is a number. What matters is how old you feel! . You have to start somewhere so why not on this trip? Life is too short to worry about little things. It does not matter if you have been married, divorced, single, with children or childless. Stop over thinking, go on the trip and start living! I too have never been married or have children, but this has not stopped me from doing anything I want to. Of course, there is a tendency to feel nervous and apprehensive but think of the adventure that lies ahead of you. You will be in good hands with Steve. He was our tour manager, his first time with Just You, when I went on the Battlefields trip last year. Have a wonderful holiday.

Best wishes


Hi Sarah

Like others have said do not worry, you'll have a great time. I did this holiday in 2014 and can highly recommend it.

Happy holidays


Hi Sarah,

My name is Steve & I am your tour manager for this trip.

Don't worry about being nervous. I did my first tour last year & a) I was also the youngest & b) It was my first time with Just You as a tour manager. Believe you me I was nervous

Now, I may be a bit older than you in years physically, but most of the time I behave like a 12 year old, well that's what my wife says!

You are going to have a great time I went to Bruges & Gent last year with JY as an observer & if the weather is with us you are going to love it. Also, we go to Ypres & watch the nightly ceremony of remembrance at the Menin Gate...Wow! I've lost count how many times I've witnessed this moving ceremony & it never fails to impress.

So I'll see you at St Pancras on 9th September, I'll be the bloke in the blue shirt.


Hi Sarah,

I second what Sally says....

So please don't Panic!!  When I first starting doing holidays for single travellers I was younger than you - but all my friends were married with Children - and I wasn't.  The choice is either go on your own or travel with like-minded people or family.  I've tried both and for me the best way to travel is with like minded people through a company like JY.   Single travellers are really friendly and you are guaranteed to make new friends regardless of the age.  I am now a lot older than you and still travelling - seeing parts of the world my friends have only dreamt about.  Over the years I've made some amazing friends along the way, and have shared both good and bad times with fantastic people young and old - who have made the holiday better by their friendship.  So Yes it can be daunting be the youngest - especially if the group is a lot older than you - but I promise you will still have fun and a lot of laughs.  

You only live once, so some times you have to go outside your comfort zone... However I am sure if you really think you wont enjoy the holiday, JY will be able to help you change to another one....


Please don't cancel !

I am usually mid range age on Just You holidays and always found someone interesting to talk to.....young or old.

Now off you go and plan your packing. LOL

Have a great time.


Relax. I am 44, never been married and with no kids. I have been travelling with JY for over ten years now. Yes you are the youngest but I bet you'll forget the age difference by the time you've reached your destination. For a start you have in common the desire to go on your chosen destination. You can also talk about other holidays people have been on to see what other trips you might fancy. Once you've started chatting with the others with those topics you will find the conversation never dries up. I know it's a bit of a hackneyed phrase about age being a number but it really is true - people aren't old in numbers just in outlook. Some are just more 'experienced in life' than others.

The majority of customers are adventurous, young at heart and looking for a fun time seeing places they've always wanted to visit. I have never laughed as much or as hard as I have on a JY holiday. It is natural to be nervous on your first time but if you back out now you will always wonder what if.....

If you can find the courage to go I'll bet you two things

1. On the day you get back you'll be searching the brochure for the next destination

2. You will never be the last to bed every evening - on one of my trips the two 90 year olds were the ones buying rounds of shots for everyone and were the last to bed.

Please go ahead with your trip and let us know how you got on.



Please stop over thinking I have been useing JY since 2006 I am now 57 and have been on many tours from Europe to Africa USA and NZ..

Age is a number, and your tour is a weekend, so please DO NOT CANCEL you will miss seeing some great sights.

People book the holiday to see and do things if you make friends all the better. I have been away with people in early 20's and up to 80's it all works out, do remember it does take two people to have a conversation. You will be fine.i did the battlefields tour so not sure if your in the same hotel I was in, the group tends to sit together for meals and drinks etc.


In common  with the rest of the group you are  travelling  solo.  That's usually  a big icebreaker.  In my experience,  conversations tend to centre on where fellow  group members have  been and where they are going next. It's often good to get some inside information on somewhere you   would like to visit.  Travel with  an  open mind  and enjoy your holiday.
Hi all,

I am booked onto this weekend but am concerned as I found out today that at 38 I am by far the youngest person going. The next youngest person is 55 and most are in their 60s. I'm not trying to cause offence to anyone but I am worried that I will be isolated as I won't have anything in common with the people going. I'm not talking about the cultural bits but the conversations at the bar or over dinner - I've never been married, don't have children, nephews or nieces. Am I over thinking things? At the moment I am seriously considering pulling out.

Please help... any advice very gratefully received!
