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Hi Bob

I sincerely hope that the Russia trip will be worth all the hassle of getting a Visa! At the moment Russia is not on top of my wish list as there are so many other places I want to see, but am already looking forward to reading your review on the Russian experience.


Hi Elisa, many thanks for the info.  That's put my mind at rest now!

All the best,


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Julia,

Sorry another question from me!  Will the letter of invitation etc be sent out by post or emailed?  Just asking as my preferred form of communication is email but I think in this instance by post would definitely be better.  I presume that seeing as the regulations are so stringent that all these documents would be posted, as I'm sure originals would be needed?

Best wishes,


Hi Bob,

The invitation letter will be sent by post with the visa pack.

Kind regards,


Hi Julia,

Many thanks for confirming this for me so promptly. The letter of invitation was in Russian, so that explains why I didn't realise it contained the accommodation voucher!



Hi Julia,

Sorry another question from me!  Will the letter of invitation etc be sent out by post or emailed?  Just asking as my preferred form of communication is email but I think in this instance by post would definitely be better.  I presume that seeing as the regulations are so stringent that all these documents would be posted, as I'm sure originals would be needed?

Best wishes,


Hi Mike,

On speaking to our visa team, the accommodation voucher is part of the letter of invitation which is required to obtain your visa - which you have successfully received.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

I'm booked on the September 2nd departure and have successfully applied for, and received, my visa. To aid the process I received some advisory notes, together with a visa support letter (letter of invitation) and an application form, but never an accommodation voucher.

The advisory notes showed the hotel addresses which I had to declare on the application form, but should I have received an accommodation voucher to present on arrival in Russia? Or will the hotel addresses shown on the advisory notes, which I've still got, be sufficient?

I hope that you can clarify this for me.

Many thanks


Hi Julia,

Many thanks for this clarification - it should make the whole visa process much easier and relatively straightforward.  It also means I am much more likely to book this tour if it's available next year.  I'm looking forward to reading the reviews of the tours leaving in September.

All the best,


Hi Bob,

According to the visa team, yes, the letter of invitation and accommodation voucher are provided to support your visa application.

Kindest regards.


Hi Julia,

Sorry to bother you again - I've just been reading over these posts again and I'm a bit confused.  I just want to make sure that we are talking about the same things - as far as I can see, the Russian Embassy in Dublin needs two things to process a visa application, apart from the actual application form.  These are a letter of invitation and an accommodation voucher - are these two things included in the visa support letter that JY send out?  I'm just not sure yet if they are the same or not!  Either they are the same, or else the UK and Irish Embassies are looking for different things?!  I do know that in Ireland we do not have to get fingerprinted, so that is something.

Hoping the visa team can clarify this for me!

All the best,
