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Hi Evelynj,

You will be responsible for taking care of your own luggage on the ferry as the coach won't be coming with you. You will have a coach in Malta and a different one when you arrive in Sicily.

Hope this answers your question, let me know if I can help you with anything else.

Many thanks,


Hi Julia

Can you please let me know the arrangements travelling between Malta and Sicily by ferry.

Will we be going on the coach we have in Malta or will we be responsible for managing our own luggage on and off the Ferry?



Hi Eve,

It sure is and there are 21 travellers in the group, of these 15 are female and 6 are male, with ages ranging from the mid-30's to the early-80's.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

I see that this tour is now fully booked.

Can you please let me have a breakdown of  male/female numbers and age range.

