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Hi Bob

Personally, apart from the main flights, i.e. London to wherever is the first destination, I usually do not worry too much about internal flights as I know I will be with the Tour Manager and the rest of the group. Of course you do need terminal details for your flight from Dublin to London, which I count as a main flight. Hopefully by next Wednesday you will have all the information you require and will start to relax!


Hi Monty,

Many thanks for supplying the missing information - it is very much appreciated.

Best wishes,


Hi Bob,

I have just dropped you an email with your flight information.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty,

Thanks for your reply - I would appreciate an email with the terminals for all flights, just so there is no confusion or panic if anything untoward happens. As far as I can see, the only small airport is Sandakan; the others have numerous terminals and this information is vital.  With something as important as this, better safe than sorry! 

Best wishes,



Jacqueline - I have had confirmation today that all lounge passes will be sent in the post, along with your luggage tags and your wallet. Unfortunately, I think it was just you and Bob who received incomplete documentation as you both have a connecting flight the day before. Is all of your final documents correct as far as you're aware?

Bob - I completely understand that this must be a real pain, and I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. If you would like me to confirm the terminals you are flying out of and in to, I happy to drop you an email with this information so you have it in writing. I have passed this over to our aviation team here at JYHQ to have a look in to. Also, those smaller airports that only have one terminal, may simply not have a 'name' for the terminal so it would be rather difficult to include in your documents and may cause more confusion.

All of your documents are set to be sent via email - apart from your luggage tags and your wallets. The reason your final set of final documents were sent by post was because we were sending you the luggage tags and wallet at around the same time.

I am very sorry to hear that you're disappointed with the new system and I have passed this on to the relevant teams. I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts.

Kindest regards,


yes received mine this morning also, lounge pass also



Hi Monty,

I received my second set of final documents this morning - by post!!  This is despite me saying I'm happy to receive them by email!  At least they were sent first class, which is essential if being posted to Ireland.  However, I am sorry to say that the flight information is still incomplete, as the connecting flights from Dublin to Heathrow do not show which terminal for either airport - merely saying "main" for Dublin (there are two terminals there) and no terminal information for Heathrow.  The flight from Heathrow to Singapore shows there terminal for Heathrow (T2) but no terminal for Singapore Changi.  The flight from Singapore to Kota Kinabalu shows the terminals in both cases.  The internal flight from Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu does not show any terminal information for either airport - even if Sandakan only has one terminal, this should be shown!  The flights from Kota Kinabalu to Singapore and from Singapore to Heathrow indicate which terminal, so they are fine.  The return connecting flight from Heathrow to Dublin doesn't show the terminals either.  As I stated in my original post, the previous documentation  (holiday information) shows all the terminal details.  I know that I could refer to them when I go away, but really the final docs should have all the relevant information especially concerning flights.  There is also the possibility that some terminals may have changed since the holiday info was sent, so up to date info is vital.

The final documents thankfully include the day to day itinerary, which was missing from the emailed docs I received just over a week ago.  However, I have to say that the wording used is often poor and gives the impression that much of it was copied and pasted from a website/info from a local agent as the standard of English is pretty dire at times!  I have never experienced this before in the daily itinerary.

The docs include details of two new optional excursions while in Singapore, which I was delighted to read about and have since booked.  The very nice lady I spoke to confirmed that the connecting flights are from T2 at both Dublin and Heathrow.  At that stage I hadn't noticed that some other terminals were missing as well.  

All this is both frustrating and disappointing.  Can you please ensure that I am down to receive all documents by email in future (as this is preferable to waiting for the post - items can be delayed between the UK and Ireland on occasion) and pass on my comments to the relevant person in admin.  I would also appreciate it if you could find out the missing terminal details for me, to save another phone call.  I am sorry to add to your workload, but things like this shouldn't be happening!!

Best wishes,


PS Towards the end of typing this post, the dreaded time lag started to appear again and then disappeared, very strange!


The lounge pass and the luggage labels are being sent by post. I received mine a short while ago.


'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Mike,

Apologies for the delay. I replied to your earlier post on the forum this morning - take a look here: 

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty,

I am also on the 19th May Wild Borneo trip.  I also received an incomplete set of final documents via email and then on Tuesday after speaking with one of your advisors I was emailed the full itinerary but definitely no lounge voucher for terminal 2.  Will this voucher be sent out with luggage labels and document wallet which I have still to receive?  Many thanks


*edited to remove personal information

Hi Mike,

Apologies for the delay. I replied to your earlier post on the forum this morning - take a look here: 

Kindest regards,
