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Hi Bob

I usually always type up the review as a Word document and then copy and paste as I find this quicker plus you can do a spell check! I have not yet had the problem you are having and hope do not have it in the future. It can be annoying.


Aha - so it is not just me!  I thought so!!  Monty, can you get your web team to investigate please as it is VERY annoying!!

Best wishes,


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Monty,

I have noticed since the Community forum was updated some weeks back that when I type a post that is more than a few lines long there is sometimes (not all the time) a time lag between what I type and what appears on the screen.  I do not have this problem on any other sites such as Facebook or Gmail, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with my laptop.  When this does occur, the longer the post, the greater the time lag - making it very frustrating at times.  This is why my review of the Mexico tour is in a different font - I got so annoyed typing it in the dialogue box that I opened Word and typed it there and then copied and pasted - so when it was published it was in a different font/style to the default one for the forum - I wasn't trying to be fancy or anything.  It only happens from time to time but it is particularly bad today and it's driving me mad!  Are you aware of this and has anyone else experienced the same?

Best wishes,


Hi, I've also had this problem and it is extremely annoying. I wondered if the cut and paste would work but as I don't have Word on my tablet it's not an option for me.

Bob - I think its because your typing so fast 🙂
My recent post regarding Customer Service was published in a particularly small font despite my typing it exactly the same as I always do. Maybe the gremlins are having fun with the website!
i am having the same problem.  As Bob says its very frustrating and makes for typos.


Hi Monty,

Thanks for the info.  My broadband speed is reasonable - usually around 6MB - and my antivirus shouldn't make much of a difference.  As I said it's not happening on any other sites.  I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has had a similar problem when typing longish posts - perhaps most people don't write posts as long as mine?!!

All the best,


Hi Bob,

This seems to be something that is local to you or your laptop. There is no apparent reason why there would be a lag at our end, unless there is some kind of link between what you are typing and our database, however we can't see anything that would cause this to happen.

Could your Anti-Virus or a similar program be running at the same time? This may cause your computer to slow down as it makes resources available for the program to run efficiently. Also, the forum has loads of information to load too, so if you have a slow internet connection this may also be a cause of the lag when you type.

I am not aware of anyone else experiencing a similar problem, which makes me think this is not something that is happening our end, and potentially localised to you and your laptop.

If I can help any further, please let me know.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty,

I have noticed since the Community forum was updated some weeks back that when I type a post that is more than a few lines long there is sometimes (not all the time) a time lag between what I type and what appears on the screen.  I do not have this problem on any other sites such as Facebook or Gmail, so it doesn't appear to be a problem with my laptop.  When this does occur, the longer the post, the greater the time lag - making it very frustrating at times.  This is why my review of the Mexico tour is in a different font - I got so annoyed typing it in the dialogue box that I opened Word and typed it there and then copied and pasted - so when it was published it was in a different font/style to the default one for the forum - I wasn't trying to be fancy or anything.  It only happens from time to time but it is particularly bad today and it's driving me mad!  Are you aware of this and has anyone else experienced the same?

Best wishes,
