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Good Morning Sue2,

I apologise for the delayed response.

I can tell you that this is not something we advertise, but if asked, we will do it.

Kind Regards,


So why hasn't JY ever said that it's possible to make a provisional booking until upgrade costs can be at least estimated? I won't consider another long haul if I cannot find out the cost in advance. Maybe time for a re think JY. It seems to be a concern to quite a few.
Hi Rose, re your comments about having to "make a booking" before you can get the upgraded flight cost.  I always upgrade on flights outside of Europe.  Depending on the trip, maybe just premium economy or maybe business class, or maybe just for one leg, eg return from US.

How it has worked for me is that you make a provisional booking for a particular holiday, JY charge you £100 initially - but the booking is conditional on getting the required upgrade at a reasonable cost (to me).  It usually takes up to a week before JY come back to you with the cost of the upgrade options you have requested (I sometimes asked for quotes for both premium and business class, one way (if a particular leg looks a bit more onerous etc).   But usually if I haven't heard back after 4/5 days I might phone up to see if they have the costs/find out when I can expect them. 

When the quotes come back, I then decide what I want to do - in my case I've always found that there is some option that is acceptable - and at this point I book the holiday and the full deposit is taken. 

I know sometimes, for some people,  the airlines have quoted ridiculous upgrade costs - and obviously if this happened on any holiday I was planning on booking I would decline (and JY would refund the £100).

I am off to Burma at the end of October, have booked business class for the return flight Heathrow to KL (ie the longest flights on the trip)  - but the rest of the flights are in standard class.  I'm going to Cuba in February, but for this trip only upgraded to Business class for the return trip (the overnight flight), including the outbound flight was a stupid price.

Hope this helps a bit.



I upgraded to Prem Econ on Singapore Airlines 12 hr flight London-Singpore last May (Borneo trip) and paid about £1400 which was definitely not worth it, a real rip off! One other person on the trip said she was quoted over £5000 for business but quibbled about it and ended up paying £3500 which was more than the tour with Singapore Ext.  There was a little more room alright but if you have a window seat you still have to annoy your usually sleeping neighbour to get out!  The food was awful even though some of it was pre-ordered and the seat was not that comfortable!

I am presently looking at India where the PE upgrade quoted by the tour operator is approx £650 and £2200 Bus.  If I booked the flight myself PE would be £400 and Bus £1300 more!  Bit of a difference, something wrong somewhere!  Also as someone else said there is a big difference between airlines, BA vs. Virgin to Delhi for example.

Sometimes you can get an upgrade at the airport for much less if there are any seats left.  I remember someone getting one from Sri Lanka to London for $600 Business.

I vowed after returning from Viet/Camb Xmas 2014 I would never travel ecomomy again.  Squashed up on a Malaysian A380 was not pleasant!  So far I have kept my promise to myself - I upgraded to EconPlus on a United flight Belfast-Newark for £100 each way (booked it myself) and of course that rip off Singapore Airlines one.

Luckily I have only a few more longhaul on my wish list so will stick with the old economy for Europe.

I read in a newspaper the other day that Bus and First Class fares had reduced dramatically due to lower fuel prices but sometimes I wonder!


Hi Rose, as someone who has just upgraded for my holiday next February, I would suggest you call now to get a actual price from JY, you can always call back again for an up-to-date price nearer the time if you wish. I paid 10% deposit and will be paying the remaining amount when I pay for my holiday in November. It's worth taking the plunge now if the price is right for you, otherwise the price may rise nearer the time and you may feel disappointed otherwise.



I've upgraded my flights for the Grand Canyon, Yosemite and California holiday next month. I did it through the United Airlines website using the reference number provided by JY. I hate flying long haul with United so the cost to upgrade to Economy Plus was worth the additional cost.
I regularly upgrade on long haul flights to Premium Economy (when the plane has those seats!). Prices are generally around the £500 figure.
'Rose1999' wrote:

Thanks Elisa, is there anywhere that gives an indication (even only a rough one) of the cost of an upgrade to Premium or Business on the flights to Seam Reap, I can't see anything Singapore Airlines website - but may not be looking in the right place!

I know it changes from day to day but a ballpark figure of what the extra would be if I booked today for next September would help.  I will not be booking today and I would not hold you to any example you give but I have no idea of whether we're talking £100s or £1000s.

Many thanks


Hi Rose,

We'd expect Premium Economy to be £1500+ and Business £2500+ supplements, return, but it’s impossible to be precise without contacting the airline.

Kind regards,


[quote pid='290086' dateline='1472900099']

Hi Rose

I know JY have provided a general reply to your query, but I thought I would give you the benefit of my experience.  

I have never been able to upgrade on a JY holiday as the prices quoted have always been silly money.  I think your mention of £500 will be well below what you would be asked to pay.  For my first trip to New Zealand in 2010 the quote was £2/3K return.  For Alaska this year I was quoted £5K for a return and £4K for a single.  Both prices were as much as the holiday cost itself.  There are deals  to be had, but I do not know how to achieve them.  

I am travelling to the USA later this year with another company where the upgrade cost is £845 return.



'Rose1999' wrote:

Sorry if this is a silly question but would an upgrade move me to to Business Class or to Economy Plus - or is there a choice at different prices?  I can't see anything in the brochure explaining this.  

I'm looking at the Mekong River Cruise for 2017 or 2018 (depending on finances!) but can't bear the thought of a 12 hour+ flight so I would have to upgrade but wouldn't want to pay £500 or whatever just for a few inches more leg room in Economy Plus.  Is there a rough guide to upgrade costs or is it a case of asking on the day?

I'm new to all this, I've only ever flown to the Balearics before so please forgive my ignorance!


On the main flights Singapore Airlines offer:

Premium Economy  

and Business Class  

as well as First Class and some suites on some flights.

Kind regards,
