From Can Tho to Chai Doc, you will be transported by a bus and the journey will be approximately 3 and a half hours long. There will be a toilet stop where necessary. Once you arrive at Chau Doc you'll travel by boat over to Phnom Penh and this will take approximately 5 hours.
We don't offer any other routes other than those stated, unless you decide to tailor make your holiday. If you give us a call, we can have a look into the options for you.
Kindest regards,
interested in the above trip but would like to know the mode of travel and journey time from Can Tho to Phnom Penh also for the return from Siem Reap to Ho Chi Minh City. As an alternative to making the long journey back to Vietnam would it be possible to fly back to the UK from Phnom Penh as Vietnam Airlines do both countries.
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