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'BGray' wrote:

Hi Monty, thanks for the explanation - I've been wondering at times what the term meant as well.  Hi Gail, hope you have a great tour!



Thanks Bob  :thumbup:

'Moderator' wrote:

Hi gailtravels,

Apologies for not being clearer. An optional booker is a traveller who is waiting on confirmation for an element of the tour that we have to request. For example, this could be a room or flight upgrade or an insurance query. Until we have confirmation of this, they are provisionally booked on the tour. If we don't manage to fulfil the request, we will offer them an alternative or return the deposit.

I hope this makes sense.

Kindest regards,


Thanks Monty that's very interesting to know for the future.

Hi Monty, thanks for the explanation - I've been wondering at times what the term meant as well.  Hi Gail, hope you have a great tour!



Hi gailtravels,

Apologies for not being clearer. An optional booker is a traveller who is waiting on confirmation for an element of the tour that we have to request. For example, this could be a room or flight upgrade or an insurance query. Until we have confirmation of this, they are provisionally booked on the tour. If we don't manage to fulfil the request, we will offer them an alternative or return the deposit.

I hope this makes sense.

Kindest regards,


'Moderator' wrote:

Hi gailtravels,

There are 20 travellers booked on this trip at the moment, although 3 are optionally booked. The group is made up from 14 women and 6 men.

Kindest regards,


What does optionally booked mean Monty I didn't know you could do that and how is it done, can they get their deposit back if they decide not to go?

Hi gailtravels,

There are 20 travellers booked on this trip at the moment, although 3 are optionally booked. The group is made up from 14 women and 6 men.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

Please can you tell me how many people are booked for this holiday on 9th May and the ratio of men and women at the moment.

Many thanks