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I agree with Nige. This thread should now be put to rest!


I think this one's going to go the way of the "should groups / couples be able to travel JY", going round in ever decreasing circles, so the status quo will prevail, probably for the best if it's a closed topic
I too live in a small village and am the only one with my christian name. Sadly, I was very badly burgled while I was on the JY South Africa trip a few years ago and lost a considerable amount of jewellery, which I never got back. Although they did catch him and he did a year (or probably 3 months) in jail.

So, no, I do not want my name given out!



I agree that if the info given was too specific, it could cause a problem, but if, for example, my details were given as Nigel from Wiltshire, it would give some info, but I'd defy anyone to find my address from it. I'd suggest checking in at a hotel where they have a full address and know how long you're staying could just as easily fall into the hands of a ne'er do well.
I agree with Bob. Marion it is a data protection issue. Tracing methods for criminal purposes are getting ever more sophisticated. Many travellers live as I do in small villages. Few people would be familiar with mine, so seeing it in print would be irrelevant anyway, but I dread to think of the result of that information, coupled with the dates my house will be unoccupied, falling into the wrong hands. For me it is first and foremost a safety issue.
I fully agree with the above post. The Dara Protection Act is too often used as an excuse. As I made clear in my original post, I'm not suggesting that people's full names should be given, just their first names.
Hi all, whether it is a data protection issue or not, I do not favour a list of names/home towns being circulated beforehand or name badges on tour. It leads to more natural conversations when people introduce themselves to each other and no one minds if someone is asked for their name a few times! I value my privacy and although I like to chat to my fellow holidaymakers I don't necessarily want all of them to know who I am or where I'm from!

All the best,


'Avocet64' wrote:

'nixon' wrote:

Ok so I get the feeling it's a no to the name badge

Sorry Cindy, but as Jonah has said, a lot of people have to wear identification tags/badges in their place of work, it's just nice to be able to leave the 'label' behind when you are on holiday. Of course, I'm not saying people can't wear badges if they feel they want to, but it's personally not for me. Maybe some people will back your idea.



Sorry half of my message wasn't printed for some strange reason....I don't think there is a win situation with this thread. I just get embarrassed keep asking people's names so in the end I give up...I certainly don't want my name and place of where I lived being given out that's for sure


I have to say that the second time I booked a holiday with the other company, I asked that my details were not published. They still published them anyway. Where I live and my family name, are totally irrelevant to how I do or don't interact with other members of the group.
If we wore name badges we would look like we were with a rival company that is named after Nordic folk tales.