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If looking at the overall booking pattern for this tour is the case then surely it would be sensible to do so before putting dates in the brochure. May be this is a good case for issuing a full new September brochure like we used to have instead of the little one with just the new holidays that we got this year. No doubt some answers will be coming our way in due course.


Hi I'm wondering did the powers that be have a look at the overall booking pattern for this tour and come to the conclusion that it wasn't strong enough to warrant running all the dates, so the Sept departure is now going to become a TS departure instead? I could be wrong!! I doubt that this would become a common feature at JY/TS as they generally review tours just before the balance is due, unless there are technical problems in running a particular departure.




I cannot believe that they have taken Namibia off for the September departure. I am not sure why Just You would take it off now. I would of waited until January as it is obvious a number of people was going to book after Christmas.

Not sure if I can book the October departure

Back to the drawing board lets hope that they have some interesting holidays coming in January.

Warm regards Julie

I agree it's very early to be cancelling September 2016 dates. I have a shortlist for next year, but want to have a look at the promised new holidays in the new brochure. I do hope that cancelling holidays so early isn't going to become the norm for JY. It wouldn't give me much confidence in booking early
Hi Taffy,

I'm pleased to say that the June departure to Borneo has been cleared to operate.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty

To me this still seems a bit early to cancel a holiday. You say there are 2 booked at the moment for October, but reading from the above posts it seems there was 1 already booked for September and 3 of us thinking about it but just not got around to it, (for me I was going to book after Christmas), so, if we had already booked that would have made 4 for September. Would the October holiday have been cancelled instead?

I fully accept that JY are looking at the current figures but my question now is, is this early decision to cancel a holiday this far ahead something new and, just how early do we have to book to avoid a holiday being cancelled? We are talking of 10 months ahead here! Also are there any more holidays that you know of that have already had dates cancelled this far ahead through lack of numbers.

Many thanks


Hi Monty,

Aha! So now you all at JYHQ have an idea how carefully we all study the JY/TS brochures - our holidays are very important to us!!

I hope the other Namibia dates get booked up and run and the TS tour is also a success. It is an amazing country with so much to offer!

All the best,



I'm also surprised that JY are cancelling holidays so early on, although I do understand the disappointment when you've booked a holiday which is then cancelled.

Just out of curiosity has the June departure for Borneo be cleared to operate? I know it's very early to ask but JY appears to be doing a lot of forward planning.


That's the second September date on my list of possibles cancelled. September for me fits round other commitments. Surprisingly perhaps, I do have a life beyond JY.

Ahh I was wondering whether you would notice the revealed are all too clever!

Hils - At the moment there are only 2 people booked on the October date, of which there is one woman and one man who are both in their 70's.

Roamer and Bob - We have decided to cancel this date in particular, as this had the lowest number of travellers on it. It means that we can fill up our other dates to ensure the tour can run. I hope this makes sense.

Avocet - Well, we are just putting the final touches to the new brochure so I am sure it will be very, very soon.

Kindest regards,
