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Hi Kezzer and Bob

It would be fantastic to win the lottery - I am not after millions and millions, just 100k will make me happy! The only problem is I do not do the lottery - I used to but never even got a single number . Tried lucky dips as well. I agree that it is impossible to keep up as more and more great new tours are being introduced. It is making it harder to decide which ones to do first in case they disappear. Australia and New Zealand will have to wait till my retirement as I would do them both together.


Hi Jaya and Kezzer, I agree with you both and it is very frustrating but in a very nice way! What a dilemma to have! I have tended to do some of the new tours over the last couple of years, just in case they are not around for long. But it really is impossible to keep up, there are so many great new tours! Thinking longer term I really want to do Australia and New Zealand, so I do hope JY never drop them from the schedule as I'm doing various other tours in the meantime before they disappear! Trying to anticipate which tours will be around for a few years and which won't is a lottery in itself!



Oh this is driving me mad... in the nicest possible way. I am 99.9% certain that my main holiday next year will be Untold Cambodia & Laos with the add-on for Vietnam... but I've decided to wait until January to actually book it just in case JY come up with some more compelling...

Unfortunately Jaya, I think the only way to keep up is the win the lottery.....

Oh dear, not more new tours! I am trying to catch up and it is getting harder with the introduction of all these new tours. Quite excited to find out what they are even though will not be able to book for next year as the whole year is already planned and booked.


Many thanks Julia, perfect group sizes for me. Will now look forward with great interest to see what the new holidays will be, roll on December!


Hello Avocet,

I can tell you that the group sizes for these are listed as:

Namibia up to 25 travellers

Untold Cambodia & Laos up to 18 travellers

and Calabria up to 25 travellers

In terms of the new brochure - between you and me, it will be with you towards the end of December.... and, it would be wrong of us not to give you a clue or two about our new tours before they launch!

Kindest regards,


Hello Monty

I really should start thinking about next years holidays but I am trying to hold back until I see what the 3 new long haul holidays are in the new January brochure. A couple of possibilities that are available at the moment are:-


Untold Cambodia and Laos

Could you please tell me the maximum group sizes for each of these holidays (I don't like too big a group). Also could you please tell me:-

The maximum group size for Calabria

What is the expected date for release of the January brochure and will we be getting a clue as to what the new holidays are before that date.

Many thanks
