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Hi Roamer,

Well what can I say... we do like to surprise you!

Kindest Regards,


Aargh ! Now I am too confused to book anything.

I thought the thin brochure we had just had contained all the new holidays for 2016.

But no , there will be even more new ones in the January brochure ?

Now you're just teasing us ! Think I will have to wait and see.

Brand mind boggles as you seem to already cover the world!

Will be very interesting, see what they will be..


Hi Bob and Avocet,

Bob - I'm glad to hear that - it really does go to show that, unfortunately, escorted tours aren't for everyone.

Avocet - Now wouldn't that be telling?! However, I will let you in on a little secret - they are all BRAND NEW. With regards to whether they are north, south, east or really depends on where you are in the world.

Kindest Regards,


So Monty, from what you have said the way I understand it there will be 3 new long haul touring holidays coming out in January. Whilst I don't suppose for one minute you will be allowed to say where they will be to (but would be very nice if you could), will you be allowed to say whether they will be heading north, south, east or west? And will they be brand new holidays or holidays that have been tweaked? Already trying to decide whether to head south or east later next year but would be more interested in anything going east, so might be worth waiting before booking something.


In the interests of balance there is a new but brief review of this tour on Feefo today and it is extremely positive!



Hi Monty,

Many thanks for you most helpful reply. I understand where you are coming from and I have read the Romania itinerary many times and it really appeals to me so I think you've sold it to me!! Given to what you have said on the other thread, I think I will book the TS Romania tour for next Sept and then wait and see what the new short haul tour will be, that will be featured in the January brochure. If it is one that makes my jaw drop, then I will see if the dates suit and swap the Romania tour for it instead, even if I have to pay an admin fee! Otherwise I'll stick with plan A!!

Thanks again,


Hi Bob,

So many of you have noticed that we have not sent out a full brochure. Here at Just You, we have decided to just pull out our best sellers and our brand new tours for 2016, to really highlight them. As you may be aware, our brochure that was published in April does have all the 2016 dates in it and our website has our full collection. The brochure that is coming out for January 2016 will include (I hope you're ready)... 4 NEW TOURING holidays for 2016!! Of these 4 new tours, there will be one short haul, which I think you may like. The dates for this are still being worked on, but will all be revealed before you know it.

In regards to Romania - this is a new tour for 2015 and so far we have operated 5 departures and the feedback has been very much more positive than negative. In terms of the hotels and itineraries, our scores put them in the high satisfaction category. Also, during the year we have made a small number of improvements based on the feedback of the early arrivals, it is only natural to have some teething problems. However, these have all been ironed out and should be a fantastic tour.

I am very sorry this review has made you question this tour. In the most part, the feedback from this tour has been positive. As you have been on so many escorted tours with us, you are probably one of the best people to understand that the pace of our tours are quite fast. This tour is no exception as it certainly is a tour with a full itinerary. Unfortunately, this does mean that our escorted tours aren't for everyone, which seems to be the case with the customer who wrote that review on feefo.

I am confident that if you are a customer looking to get a full flavour of the destination and see many highlights within the 1 week duration, which I know you are Bob, this is the tour for you.

If you have any further questions, please so not hesitate to ask.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Monty,

I've been reading the posts about the new brochure only featuring the new tours - I have no problems with this but I'm confused by your response to the next full brochure, out next January. Will it include any new holidays for 2016, or just a preview of some 2017 tours? I've two great holidays booked for next year already but I hope to take a third holiday for a week in September and I really need to sort this out shortly. I'm looking to go to a country in Europe or somewhere else short haul that I haven't been to before - a touring holiday, rather than an Escape one! It would be hard for me to hold off booking until January as I have to make some commitments for next Sept in the coming weeks, but I don't want to miss out if there is a great new tour on offer then! At present I'm thinking about booking the TS Romania tour for Sept but I would see about holding off till the new year if possible, if there will definitely be some new holidays for 2016 being published then. Please help!

On another matter, regarding the Romania tour, there has been a lot of good feedback on Feefo for the TS tour. However, a review published recently made some serious criticisms:

This particular trip did not live up to our expectations. In short, it seemed badly planned, and the time management by the Tour Manager was not satisfactory. This meant we were always arriving at our new destination hotel with just enough time to check in, then straight back on the bus for our dinner destination. People need to freshen up for crying out loud----this is unacceptable! Whole week felt more like SAS training than a break---we were exhausted when we got home, and in need of a holiday! Equally, I cannot imagine why we spent 11 hours on a coach to go on a boat trip on the Danube, where we spent over half the time in a wide canal doing 2 knots and seeing absolutely nothing!!! Really disappointed, as I had seen 'Wild Carpathia' but spent much of the week feeling the plane had been diverted!! I was contemplating going to Romania under my own steam, and wish now I had, as it would have been around half the cost, and I could have gone where I wanted. Must do better!!!

Could you please give me a response to these criticisms as they have made me really question whether to book this tour or not?!

Many thanks,
