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That's funny, Nixon, because I also thought Monty was a bloke. So sorry, Monty - I should know better. I have had to correct many people and tell them that yes, I really am female and that Toni is NOT a boys name! Some people seem unable to accept the spelling and reply to my emails with the masculine spelling, even when I have clearly signed off with the correct spelling.


I to did wonder but was I was in Gran Caneria I thought it was my connection..

NOW a day of is allowed!!!! Monty a girl? as you said she there was I thinking Monty was male.

My brochure was waiting for me when I got back 1.00am but I will wait till tomorrow to look at it.


Hi Julia,

I'll let you off! I actually phoned JY in the end, and they answered my questions.

I appreciate you coming back though.



Sorry Hils,

This is my fault - I forgot Monty had been allowed to step away from her desk for the day with annual leave and that I needed to log in to the community and answer questions.

I have replied to your other thread but..... there will be an airport rep at Gatwick, and Susan will be meeting you in Italy.

Kindest regards (and sorry for the delayed response)


Good afternoon,

I don't know if this will come through, but there appear to be no posts on the Forum since yesterday morning. I'd asked a specific question and as I fly down to Gatwick first thing tomorrow morning, it looks as though I'd not going to get a reply!

