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[attachment=378] Hello travelers for 30/8 Yosemite, Grand Canyon, and Classic California! My name is Eileen Williams and I am the Tour Manager for your trip. This is my tenth year as a tour manager and my third year leading Just You trips.

I live in currently Colorado and will be traveling to Arizona to meet you. I grew up in the Southwest and can not wait to share it all with you.

Let me make some suggestions for our trip:

*Please bring sun cream and a wide brim hat as the temperatures will be around 40 degrees Celsius (it's a dry heat) :thumbup:.

*Also, please bring some closed toe shoes.

*Most of our hotels have swimming pools so a swim suit is a must.

*Also, you might want to pack a reusable water bottle as there are places you can refill them. You can save money and reduce rubbish.

*Bring a light sweater or jacket with you due to temperature changes on the motor coach and many buildings.

*Please call your bank and credit card company to let them know that you will be traveling in America. Many of my clients have their cards shut down when they try to use them in the States. A short telephone call can save you from having to fix it overseas.

*If you want to use your phone in America, you must have a GSM ready mobile phone/sim card. Most of our hotels have wifi for our use.

I am excited to see so many of you on this community page. I can't wait to meet you all. If you have any questions, please post them here and I will do my best to answer promptly.

Happy Travels!

Eileen Williams, Just You Tour Manager

DPM 9 years ago
'Tricia2468' wrote:

Hi everyone. I've decided to book the Alcatraz tour but before I do so has anyone else decided what time they are going? It would be nice to have a group going together

Hi Tricia

I'm booked onto the 9:10am Alcatraz cruise for 7th September. The early start should avoid the worst of the crowds, and leave one with a full afternoon to explore San Francisco further.

Be aware that whatever time you book the cruise for, you need to be at the boarding gates approx 30mins beforehand. Luckily our hotel isn't too far away from Pier 33 where boarding takes place.

Hope this helps


Hi everyone. I've decided to book the Alcatraz tour but before I do so has anyone else decided what time they are going? It would be nice to have a group going together
Hi I've booked my first holiday with just you flying from Manchester . I'd be interested in booking the Alcatraz tour, has anyone already booked ? it would be good to have a few go together
'DPM' wrote:

'Annie wrote:

Hi Julia

Thanks for your help with this


Ann, in case you're not aware, the site for booking Alcatraz Cruises can be found at: 

At the moment it looks like there are plenty of spaces available for the tours in September, but a lot of the tours for the first half of August have already sold out, so if you're going to book one I wouldn't wait too long.  (I'm guessing it's the same company JY use, if not it's bound to be very similar).

I've had a long hard think about all this and much as I'd like to do both, I think it would take up too much of the day and leave me with very little time left to explore the rest of San Francisco, which I really want to do.

As the Seaplane is £122 for a 30-minute flight, I've reluctantly decided not to go ahead with it and plan to go on the 'early bird' Alcatraz tour to avoid the crowds. That should leave me with a full afternoon to wander around San Francisco, and I won't have to keep looking at my watch worrying if I'm going to catch my pre-booked activity on time. I know we have a guided tour of SF the day before when we arrive there, but I want to make sure I have the opportunity to see as much as I can at my own pace.

The Seaplane does get very good reviews on TripAdvisor, I'm sure it's a great experience.


Thanks Dave.

Yes, I've been unsure what to do too. Would really like to do both but as doing the landing on Alcatraz cruise will take up a lot more time, I've decided to do the seaplane and cruise as on just you's extra's. I too want to explore San Fran a bit and do things like ride a tram so these 2 choices should allow enough time to do other things sometime during the day whether I manage to go on the 11.30 cruise following the first seaplane flight of the morning or the 15.45 cruise if there is not enough time in between to get to the11.30 cruise. Just you rep advised me to speak to the T.M re my preferences when we get there.

My daughter and boyfriend did the island visit earlier this year and enjoyed it.

Not long to go now!

Hi Chris30,

There are currently 28 people booked on this trip, which is made up of 20 women and 8 men. Also there are 16 spaces available for this date.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Julia

Are there still spaces on this trip and what are the numbers and ratios now?

many thanks,

DPM 9 years ago
'Annie wrote:

Hi Julia

Thanks for your help with this


Ann, in case you're not aware, the site for booking Alcatraz Cruises can be found at: 

At the moment it looks like there are plenty of spaces available for the tours in September, but a lot of the tours for the first half of August have already sold out, so if you're going to book one I wouldn't wait too long.  (I'm guessing it's the same company JY use, if not it's bound to be very similar).

I've had a long hard think about all this and much as I'd like to do both, I think it would take up too much of the day and leave me with very little time left to explore the rest of San Francisco, which I really want to do.

As the Seaplane is £122 for a 30-minute flight, I've reluctantly decided not to go ahead with it and plan to go on the 'early bird' Alcatraz tour to avoid the crowds. That should leave me with a full afternoon to wander around San Francisco, and I won't have to keep looking at my watch worrying if I'm going to catch my pre-booked activity on time. I know we have a guided tour of SF the day before when we arrive there, but I want to make sure I have the opportunity to see as much as I can at my own pace.

The Seaplane does get very good reviews on TripAdvisor, I'm sure it's a great experience.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Annie Ann,

So I have had a chat with my colleagues, and there are two departures for the sea-plane (weather-permitting and routes may change). So, we would recommend that you book for an Alcatraz slot from around 1:30, this should mean, if you are in the later sea-plane group, there is time for you to get back and perhaps have something to eat too.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks for your help with this


Hi Annie Ann,

So I have had a chat with my colleagues, and there are two departures for the sea-plane (weather-permitting and routes may change). So, we would recommend that you book for an Alcatraz slot from around 1:30, this should mean, if you are in the later sea-plane group, there is time for you to get back and perhaps have something to eat too.

Kindest regards,
