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Hi John,

I agree - I think it looks great. I can tell you that there are currently 3 travellers booked on this trip.

Kindest regards,


The Global explorer tour looks amazing, I,m definately interested in that, are there many booked onto it ?
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Great to hear that a brochure has arrived with you.

In terms of numbers - there are 24 confirmed travellers and the group is currently made up of 2 men and 22 women.

Kindest regards,


Julia, thanks for letting me know about numbers going, it seems we have to persuade more men to book this great holiday. So come on you MEN, make the numbers up and book this summer holiday.

Hi Sue,

Great to hear that a brochure has arrived with you.

In terms of numbers - there are 24 confirmed travellers and the group is currently made up of 2 men and 22 women.

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't received a brochure, I will get another copy in the post to you.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks, at last got the brochure this week, so many thanks. By the way can you let me know how many men/women are booked on the 8th September trip to Costa de la Luz?

'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't received a brochure, I will get another copy in the post to you.

Kindest regards,


Julia, thanks very much, not sure what happened but I would be grateful to receive another copy. You have my correct home details so hopefully I should receive this soon. Many thanks.

Hi Jonah,

I sympathise.

I live in Liverpool and always allow for the prospect that i may have to go down the day before, adding to the cost, or i have to stay up all night and get a ridiculously early train like i recently did. Unfortunately i dont think JY can win sometimes. Some people complain that if the flight is late in the day, then you lose a day, whislt others (rightly) comment that it enables those living further away to make it. Regional flights i find are pricey as well but then again its not easy top get to London if you live outside the South. I feel for those living in Scotland haha!


'magpie10' wrote:

I've just been looking through the new brochure as I got back from Mykonos and Santorini last night and want to book another holiday for later this year, and the promise of 'more regional flights' filled me with hope that JY had realised Newcasle actually has an airport - alas, this is not the case as rather than more options being available, there are now just 2 tours I can do flying direct from here, one of which I've done, and the other I'm hoping to do in October (flying from Newcastle being the main reason for doing both). I can't understand why JY find it so difficult to offer local flights? Other tour operators can manage it no problem.

I can even fly from Manchester or Heathrow if need be, though this normally adds a good £200 to the cost of my holiday, but I notice these options are also getting fewer and fewer. JY seem to be favouring Gatwick more and more (it must be cheaper for them!), and I can't get a connecting flight to Gatwick now, so any ideas of going to Italy in future have been knocked on the head. I'm not a happy bunny!

Hi Magpie

I am in the same boat living in the Midlands. Following earlier responses to this dilemma and the statement as you say of more regional flights I was looking forward to the brochure and booking great holidays. However 3 of my destinations have been blown out of the water by flight times being crack of dawn or witching hour and at Gatwick. On speaking to an advisor about the holidays, no option of a regional flight was given.

Hi Sue,

I'm sorry to hear that you still haven't received a brochure, I will get another copy in the post to you.

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

to answer a few questions...

Sue, the brochure is mailing with our festive collection - I have arranged for this to be sent to you. You weren't on the original mailing list as you have at some point opted out of mailings (let me know if you would like this updated so you automatically receive new brochures)

Kindest regards,


Julia I am still waiting for tis brochure which include Xmas events, can you please arrange for another to be posted out to me today, thanks Sue