You are scheduled to Leave Heathrow at 11:05 and arrive at 13:15 local time.
Again, these are provisional timings and would be confirmed in your final documents.
Kindest regards,
Hi Steve,You land on the 17th September at approximately 11:40hrs. Please note that these are provisional timings, are subject to change and would be confirmed in your final documents.Kindest regards,Julia
Hi Steve,
You land on the 17th September at approximately 11:40hrs. Please note that these are provisional timings, are subject to change and would be confirmed in your final documents.
Thanks Julia for the info it's just that I am trying to book a flight down to Heathrow as I live in Yorkshire & needed the times to try to book a appropriate flight, also I forgot to ask if you knew the flight time to Calgary from Heathrow on the 6/9/2015.
Can you please tell me on what day and at what time we land back from the above Canada trip?
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