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Hi BB,

There has indeed been an increase - you are now up to 23 travellers with just 7 places left! Ages of the group range from mid-40s through to mid-70s.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Has there been an increase in numbers since your last post? Only a few weeks to go now Mansel!

Thanks BB

Hi Mansel,

There are currently 14 travellers booked on this trip. At the moment you are the only gentleman on the trip - but this could change between now and when you depart in a few months as there are still plenty of places available. The age range for this group at the moment is early 60s through to mid-70s.

If you give me a nudge in a months or so, I'll give you an update on the numbers.

Kindest regards,



How many guests are currently booked on this tour with gender and age range?

