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Hi I agree very much with what Cindy and Magpie have said. Nothing more to add except I hope everyone has a good weekend!

Best wishes,



I am in agreement with Cindy's comments.



I have already posted my thoughts on seat rotation. As well as reasonable quality hotels, I also look for value for money. Included can tours can score well here, although I have been somewhat disapointed by the included city tours in New England and New York. I totally agree that a good tour manager is essential for these types of holidays.
'magpie10' wrote:

As regards the above, thought I'd put my thoughts down:

Expensive - yes, they are expensive and increasing each year. Saying there's 'no single supplement' should be removed as we're obviously paying a premium for having a room of our own. On the plus side, both holidays I've done this year have been well worth the money, hotels, food and trips brilliant. However, I'm noticing more options creeping in, this alongside the additional costs of connecting flights and overnight stays in hotels near Heathrow/Gatwick pushes the price up even more. As long as JY maintain the quality they offer now I'm quite happy to pay, although I may have to do less holidays in future if prices keep going up.

Seat Rotation - I prefer to sit near the back and have a seat to myself if possible and let whoever wants to sit at the front do so, sometimes they may be travel sick or less mobile than me. I think at the end of the day we should all be adult enough to be able to sort it out amicably and I've never had a seat rotation policy on any of the 7 JY holidays I've done to date.

I'd say the most important thing for me is to have a decent tour rep, I think this can make or break a holiday. After having one bad experience I'd hate for that to happen again. I think it's more important on a JY holiday than on any other as everyone is travelling on their own and some people need more help than others. If the tour rep is very knowledgeable, and really enjoys their job and the area they tour, then it makes the holiday much more interesting.

You have summed up my thoughts as well, Magpie. And I totally agree that a decent tour rep is essential, someone with enthusiasm who knows the area or at least has honed up on it sufficiently not to have to read everything off a piece of paper. So far on my 8 (I think) holidays I've had 2 or 3 brilliant ones and one dreadful one, the rest being in between. The brilliant TMs made their holidays ones to remember, the holiday with the dreadful one is the one I didn't enjoy at all, and the other holidays tend to blend together in my memory even though the hotels etc were fine.


'nixon' wrote:


I bet our postings give you all food for thought and perhaps a chuckle here and there!


Over the mince pies at the moment Cindy, I bet!

Have a happy Christmas & New Year.


As regards the above, thought I'd put my thoughts down:

Expensive - yes, they are expensive and increasing each year. Saying there's 'no single supplement' should be removed as we're obviously paying a premium for having a room of our own. On the plus side, both holidays I've done this year have been well worth the money, hotels, food and trips brilliant. However, I'm noticing more options creeping in, this alongside the additional costs of connecting flights and overnight stays in hotels near Heathrow/Gatwick pushes the price up even more. As long as JY maintain the quality they offer now I'm quite happy to pay, although I may have to do less holidays in future if prices keep going up.

Seat Rotation - I prefer to sit near the back and have a seat to myself if possible and let whoever wants to sit at the front do so, sometimes they may be travel sick or less mobile than me. I think at the end of the day we should all be adult enough to be able to sort it out amicably and I've never had a seat rotation policy on any of the 7 JY holidays I've done to date.

I'd say the most important thing for me is to have a decent tour rep, I think this can make or break a holiday. After having one bad experience I'd hate for that to happen again. I think it's more important on a JY holiday than on any other as everyone is travelling on their own and some people need more help than others. If the tour rep is very knowledgeable, and really enjoys their job and the area they tour, then it makes the holiday much more interesting.

'JY wrote:

'Julia' wrote:

Hi Avocet,

These are two very hot topics at the moment. I'm sure you are aware that the Community certainly has the ear of the Just You team and all feedback, comments and suggestions are considered when looking at putting holidays together and the day-to-day running of the holiday.

We're finding the feedback on these very insightful and would very much like to encourage members to continue to share their thoughts with us.

Kindest regards,


We certainly do take notice of everything. We have been talking about some of the points in the office this morning actually.

The main things I understand so far are:

People don't want to drop the quality of the holidays for cheaper prices

People don't want to have a choice of hotels if it will split the group

Seat Rotation is a sticky subject as some are all for it and some are against it - but it seems that very few people have had a bad experience on any of our holidays as we are currently doing them.

As always, you know we will listen to your views so always share them!


yes, that's it in a nutshell, don't drop the quality for cheaper tour, NEVER split a hotel, and I think you can leave the seat rotation to us all to sort out !!!:thumbup:

Was any of that a surprise to you or was that the way you thought it would go?



I bet our postings give you all food for thought and perhaps a chuckle here and there!


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Avocet,

These are two very hot topics at the moment. I'm sure you are aware that the Community certainly has the ear of the Just You team and all feedback, comments and suggestions are considered when looking at putting holidays together and the day-to-day running of the holiday.

We're finding the feedback on these very insightful and would very much like to encourage members to continue to share their thoughts with us.

Kindest regards,


We certainly do take notice of everything. We have been talking about some of the points in the office this morning actually.

The main things I understand so far are:

People don't want to drop the quality of the holidays for cheaper prices

People don't want to have a choice of hotels if it will split the group

Seat Rotation is a sticky subject as some are all for it and some are against it - but it seems that very few people have had a bad experience on any of our holidays as we are currently doing them.

As always, you know we will listen to your views so always share them!

Hi Avocet,

These are two very hot topics at the moment. I'm sure you are aware that the Community certainly has the ear of the Just You team and all feedback, comments and suggestions are considered when looking at putting holidays together and the day-to-day running of the holiday.

We're finding the feedback on these very insightful and would very much like to encourage members to continue to share their thoughts with us.

Kindest regards,
