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I would be irritated to be told where I had to sit and, fortunately, so far have not been on a trip where this has been the case - TMs have suggested sometimes we move seats to give everyone a chance of the front seats, which is what a reasonable person would do anyway.

Am not aware of any people who have hogged the front seat on any of my trips, but as I often sit mid-coach may not be aware of this. Seems the only thing really bugging group members is when you get someone on a trip who hogs the front seats the entire trip - the TM that Kezzer experienced seemed to have one good solution. But that may not work for all groups depending on size of group etc, think the TMs should be more forceful on the first day on the coach in stating that hogging the front seat throughout the trip was not fair on the rest of the group and front seats may be held and allocated by rotation if group members behaved selfishly.


On all my trips with Just You have not yet come encountered any serious seat rotation. I do not like sitting right at the back as like Bob I would suffer from travel sickness. I agree with Kezzer - even though we are adults and some of us do not like to be told where to seat, it also means that someone should not hog the front seats, back seats or window seats all the time as there may be other people who may wish to seat in the front. I have been on one holiday where one lady always grabbed the front seat - this does not bother me but it can bother others if they too would like to seat in the front. At the end of the day it is not easy to please everyone, but it would also help if fellow travellers were not selfish!


Seems like a possible solution. But, depending on group size and length of tour, the maths may not always work out. The botton line as always is consideration for fellow travelers, and plain old fashioned good manners.
'Kezzer46' wrote:

On my recent trip to the states with JY, our TM made the first 6 pairs of seats (3 on each side) on the coach first class. She then put the name up of the first class passenger for each set of seats every morning and told them they could invite someone to join them or sit on the seat on their own if they wished. This worked really well - meant that everyone had a chance to sit up front if they wanted. For the rest of the coach people just sat where they wanted. I personally thought it was a brilliant idea.

Cindy whilst I understand in principle what you are saying I have been on many holidays where people have grabbed the front seats or back seats or window seats every day... and I think in fairness to everyone on the coach its good to have some kind of rule. Whilst as an adult myself, I would like the choice to sit where I want and with whom I want, I think what our TM did in the states is/was the best solution I have ever come across. Those that weren't interested in sitting at the front in first class - simply gave their space to someone else.


That seems a fair method.

On my recent trip the front 10 rows were used for seat rotation but those that wanted to opt out could go to the back and grab whatever seat they wanted on a first come basis.

Think about 60% took part in the rotation and to be honest i enjoyed sitting with (or near) different people each day.

Accept this isn't for everyone so think the optional methods make sense.


On my recent trip to the states with JY, our TM made the first 6 pairs of seats (3 on each side) on the coach first class. She then put the name up of the first class passenger for each set of seats every morning and told them they could invite someone to join them or sit on the seat on their own if they wished. This worked really well - meant that everyone had a chance to sit up front if they wanted. For the rest of the coach people just sat where they wanted. I personally thought it was a brilliant idea.

Cindy whilst I understand in principle what you are saying I have been on many holidays where people have grabbed the front seats or back seats or window seats every day... and I think in fairness to everyone on the coach its good to have some kind of rule. Whilst as an adult myself, I would like the choice to sit where I want and with whom I want, I think what our TM did in the states is/was the best solution I have ever come across. Those that weren't interested in sitting at the front in first class - simply gave their space to someone else.

Well said Cindy. JY please take note.
'nixon' wrote:

hi one and all

I have been on 10 tours with JY, Ok I understand fully why there MIGHT be a need for seat rotation, so no one hogs the front seats.

BUT! I will not be told where to sit and with whom. like the others say I am definitely an adult and have the right to choose where I sit and with whom, for the records I DO NOT and never have wanted the first seats, I am someone who heads towards the back part, reasons are so I can get some peace and quiet and be near the toilet if need be! I go for the long coach drive type of holidays and like to have a spare seat next to me so I can chill for hours, listen to music, sleep, or catchup on paperwork.

Many tour managers have tried to Implement the seat rotation, and I would hasten to say it has never worked because we the customers on the whole do not want it. you will always have some that will and some that won't, the tours I have been on wont, So perhaps JY need a re think on the wording, people do know why this is in place but honestly if someone hogs the front seats I am sure that there would be someone in the group I.e. ME who would move them along. For others to have them.


Quit agree with Cindy here!

I also always go to the back and find that I have the seat to myself for some of the time. I can then operate and fiddle with my camera gear without disturbing anyone.

The only time I occupied the front seat behind the driver was when being picked up from Auckland airport when our group from Melbourne arrived late and then there were only 8 of us.


Hello, The TM usually makes the suggestion of rotating seats at the beginning of the holiday but

I have found that most people like to sit in the same seat or area, some pair up and sit together

and some like to be at the front of the coach and others at the back, as there are usually more seats than

people it doesn't become a problem.


hi one and all

I have been on 10 tours with JY, Ok I understand fully why there MIGHT be a need for seat rotation, so no one hogs the front seats.

BUT! I will not be told where to sit and with whom. like the others say I am definitely an adult and have the right to choose where I sit and with whom, for the records I DO NOT and never have wanted the first seats, I am someone who heads towards the back part, reasons are so I can get some peace and quiet and be near the toilet if need be! I go for the long coach drive type of holidays and like to have a spare seat next to me so I can chill for hours, listen to music, sleep, or catchup on paperwork.

Many tour managers have tried to Implement the seat rotation, and I would hasten to say it has never worked because we the customers on the whole do not want it. you will always have some that will and some that won't, the tours I have been on wont, So perhaps JY need a re think on the wording, people do know why this is in place but honestly if someone hogs the front seats I am sure that there would be someone in the group I.e. ME who would move them along. For others to have them.


Like Mick, Stephen gave us a seat allocation each night for the next day. Good fun when I was in the same seat as Mick :P

This was my first of 5 trips where I was allocated a seat. I quess it was like this as there were 35 of us on this trip. We got to meet and chat more. Good time had by all.
