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'SarahS' wrote:

I did New Zealand February 2012. I budgeted £80 a day to cover meals drinks souvenirs and extras, added the cost of any excursions, mainly senic flights to be paid in resort. I took currency and some additional sterling, plus credit cards for emergencies. The flights I did could be paid by credit card. A massive expense, worth every penny. It was the holiday of a lifetime after all, although every holiday since seems to have been that too! We also had the extra option of flying back from Milford Sound to Queenstown in a ten seater plane. The views were stunning. It was the highlight of my holiday I would guess prices have increased since 2014. I remember wine by the glass in the hotels was much more expensive than at home. Also, chocolate was three to four times the price here.

Thank you everyone for your helpful hints and tips, I will sure to follow them.


I did New Zealand February 2012. I budgeted £80 a day to cover meals drinks souvenirs and extras, added the cost of any excursions, mainly senic flights to be paid in resort. I took currency and some additional sterling, plus credit cards for emergencies. The flights I did could be paid by credit card. A massive expense, worth every penny. It was the holiday of a lifetime after all, although every holiday since seems to have been that too! We also had the extra option of flying back from Milford Sound to Queenstown in a ten seater plane. The views were stunning. It was the highlight of my holiday I would guess prices have increased since 2014. I remember wine by the glass in the hotels was much more expensive than at home. Also, chocolate was three to four times the price here.
Hi All,

When I went on my JY Australia & New Zealand jolly a couple of years ago I took a pre-paid Visa card with me. I knew how much money I had to get by with and the amount was in GBP's. I used ATM machines in both countries and paid for extras like Helicopter trips with it also.

These pre-paid cards can be obtained at the Post Office or online, plenty of companies that do them. Shop around for the best deals if you do so. I had one that did not charge you for using ATM machines. All take a percentage of what you call for. Beware of some ATM's that also charge you a percentage to use them.


Hi Dyuti,

Be sure to ring your credit card customer care number before you go to tell them your holiday plans. Sometimes they put a block on cards if they are suddenly being used abroad and you don't want this to happen to you! Australia is on my wish list - for two or three years down the road so I hope you have an amazing time!

Best wishes,


'Tim' wrote:

'Dyuti' wrote:

Hello Julia,

I am booked on the 11th March tour. I would like to know how much would it cost daily for food (vegetarian), drinks (non-alcoholic), tips etc. I cannot even guess the approx cost. I am assuming that you will have a realistic idea. I would appreciate it if could let me know so that I can sort my finance out before leaving.



Hi Dyuti,

The cost of meals will vary depending on where you are eating - for example, a sandwich at a café will obviously cost considerably less than a sit down lunch in a restaurant, but as a rough guide, in Australia you should expect to pay in the region of:

Lunch (out and about): $10-$20

Dinner (out and about): $20-$35 (for a main meal)

Drinks (soft): $4

Tips and gratuities are totally at your discretion. However, as a guideline a suggested amount would be $3 per person per day each for the driver and local guide.

Where meals are not included in your holiday price there may be an additional 10-15% service charge added to your final bill. If a service charge is not added to your bill then you may wish to leave a tip, again totally at your discretion.

Gratuities for your Tour Manager are not included in the price of your holiday, however, a suggested amount for this would be in the region of £2-£3 per person per day.

These are of course guideline amounts only.



Hello Tim,

Thanks for responding to my query. You and others have been a great help in putting my mind at rest. Thank you all. My children suggested I must have a credit card as I never had before. So now I have one.



Hi when I went to OZ with JY last year I can assure that money goes quickly, you will not always be near any quick food chains and even they will be dearer than here, you will need to budget something like three times more than you would spend on food alone than you would in the uk plus many extras along the way and you'll eat in some remote areas where there is no other choice, as a guideline I took £1300 in aus dollars and spent the lot but I did buy lots of gifts and waste a bit, I would look at between £800 - £1000 plus take debit card incase you need to withdraw cash and credit card you can use in restaurants and shops, there will be unexpected extras along the way but this is a once only in a lifetime tour which you'll probably never do again and it is amazing, have a great time Dave

I tend to agree with your thinking in money, I know when I travelled to Australia and also New Zealand I took a huge amount of money with me as I knew I will never go back there, so I allowed for doing anything and everything.

On the NZ tour the rep had a few extras for us which came to well over £200.


I would say take what ever money you can plus a debit and a credit card just in case! Sometimes the eating has to be were you can on route so that's always more expensive than finding where you want. Also I find the drinks and nibbles along the way mount up as well as all the tips, driver, hotel staff, mealtimes, local guides, JY rep etc all mount up to many £ the end of the holiday.

Enjoy the tour I love Australia


Having travelled reasonably extensively in Australia I would suggest you allow at least 50% more than these figures for food.

It's of course possible to get lunch/dinner within these figures if you go to the chains or get to the cheaper parts of cities. I would suggest however that if you want to eat near to the hotels which are in the main tourist areas, and which nearly all the group will use you need to budget more.

Also don't forget the trips which are not included in the holiday and which if you do wish to do can easily add up to several hundred pounds or more.


Tim 9 years ago
'Dyuti' wrote:

Hello Julia,

I am booked on the 11th March tour. I would like to know how much would it cost daily for food (vegetarian), drinks (non-alcoholic), tips etc. I cannot even guess the approx cost. I am assuming that you will have a realistic idea. I would appreciate it if could let me know so that I can sort my finance out before leaving.



Hi Dyuti,

The cost of meals will vary depending on where you are eating - for example, a sandwich at a café will obviously cost considerably less than a sit down lunch in a restaurant, but as a rough guide, in Australia you should expect to pay in the region of:

Lunch (out and about): $10-$20

Dinner (out and about): $20-$35 (for a main meal)

Drinks (soft): $4

Tips and gratuities are totally at your discretion. However, as a guideline a suggested amount would be $3 per person per day each for the driver and local guide.

Where meals are not included in your holiday price there may be an additional 10-15% service charge added to your final bill. If a service charge is not added to your bill then you may wish to leave a tip, again totally at your discretion.

Gratuities for your Tour Manager are not included in the price of your holiday, however, a suggested amount for this would be in the region of £2-£3 per person per day.

These are of course guideline amounts only.



Hello Julia,

I am booked on the 11th March tour. I would like to know how much would it cost daily for food (vegetarian), drinks (non-alcoholic), tips etc. I cannot even guess the approx cost. I am assuming that you will have a realistic idea. I would appreciate it if could let me know so that I can sort my finance out before leaving.

