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Why not try a different approach with your mother to dissuade her - insurance. It sounds like age and health (she'd have to declare all conditions and ailments) would mean she is either refused cover or it would be extremely expensive. JY will not knowingly take her without insurance; it's a condition of traveling that you are fully insured. Note, even a minor accident for your Mother in the US can run into thousands of dollars.


Hi Alison,

I have forwarded your number on to my colleague who will contact you directly.

Kindest regards,


Hi Jan

Thanks for the reply, I have contacted Julia as she suggested so I can talk to the customer care team. I know how tiring the trips can be and know she would struggle to cope. She also totally relies on her hearing aids (which do seem to go wrong often!) and cannot lip read. She can be very unsteady on her feet and I just feel it would be so unfair on the Tour manager and the other group members. She is so insistent that someone will be at the airport to help her and she will be fine as she does not realise just how much help she will need.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi alison b.

It's probably best that you speak with one of our Customer Care team directly. They will be able to get a better understanding about the situation and advise accordingly.

If you can reply to this thread with your phone number and a good time to call I will have my colleague call you. (I will edit out the details so they don't become public).

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks for the reply, my phone number is *********** and any time during the day is usually okay.



Note: This email has been edited to remove personal information.

Hello Alison,

Most trips are hard work and very tiring. We, the fit and healthy are cream crackered by the end of most trips 😛 My Mum was 79 when I took her to Toronto for her brother's 60 th wedding anniversary, She is deaf, relies on her hearing aid and lip reading, airports are not the easiest of places. When her great neices got married 3 years later, she wanted to go but understood the risks so relied on our photos.

Not sure of the truth, hearsay on one trip, the tour manager recounted the story of a colleague who had to get one traveller up everyday, wash and dress them as the carer was on holiday!


Hi alison b.

It's probably best that you speak with one of our Customer Care team directly. They will be able to get a better understanding about the situation and advise accordingly.

If you can reply to this thread with your phone number and a good time to call I will have my colleague call you. (I will edit out the details so they don't become public).

Kindest regards,



I'm hoping someone may be able to give me some advice. I went on a Just You holiday about 5 years ago with my mum to USA as she wanted to go to Memphis & as I love Elvis she paid for me to go with her. She is now 78 years old & wants to go on another holiday to USA again. Now my worry is that she is not the healthiest person, she has lots of problems hearing & can be unsteady on her feet & sometimes gets confused. I can't go with her so she would have to go on her own & she insists that she will be fine as she will have the tour rep to help her. Now I know that they are not there to babysit her & was wondering just how much help if any she would get? Last year she went to USA to visit my son but I had to arrange assistance at the airport for her & we took her to Heathrow & I helped her get checked in. My mother is a very stubborn woman & will not listen to me, so was wondering about actually contacting Just You direct for their opinion, but obviously they can't refuse to take someone. Sorry if this is such a long thread but I'm really worried that if she goes she will end up causing a lot of hard work for the rep & causing problems for the other people on the tour.

Thanks for any advice