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Hi Gaynor,

Absolutely - There are 20 confirmed travellers on this date 5 men and 15 women with no change on the age range.

Amanda is still listed as your Tour Manager and has posted here on the community today with some hints and tips - here's the link: 

I've had a quick look at the bookings and I believe you are the only one connecting from Manchester.

I hope you have a fantastic time!

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Gaynor,

I do indeed have an update. At the moment there are 19 confirmed travellers and one traveller provisionally booked.

Of those that are confirmed the ages of the group range from mid-30s through to late-70s and the gender split is 5 men and 14 women.

I can also tell you that the Tour Manager provisionally booked for this trip is Amanda Redfern and she will be travelling with the group from the UK.

Kindest regards,


Hello Julia

I hope you don't mind me asking and it's only 3 weeks today - do you have an update on final numbers, gender split etc. also do you know if there is anyone else with connecting flights from Manchester to Heathrow.

Getting very excited now!

Many Thanks


Hi Gaynor,

I do indeed have an update. At the moment there are 19 confirmed travellers and one traveller provisionally booked.

Of those that are confirmed the ages of the group range from mid-30s through to late-70s and the gender split is 5 men and 14 women.

I can also tell you that the Tour Manager provisionally booked for this trip is Amanda Redfern and she will be travelling with the group from the UK.

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Gaynor,

Of course I can! There are currently 13 of you booked to travel on this date and the group is made up of 2 men and 11 women with ages from mid-thirties through to early-seventies.

There is still a bit of time before this trip departs so if you would like to get in touch again closer to your leaving date and I happily provide you with an update on the numbers.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

I have now made my final payment for this trip and getting very excited as it's only 8 weeks away.

Do you have an update on numbers, age and gender split for this holiday.



Hi Gaynor,

Of course I can! There are currently 13 of you booked to travel on this date and the group is made up of 2 men and 11 women with ages from mid-thirties through to early-seventies.

There is still a bit of time before this trip departs so if you would like to get in touch again closer to your leaving date and I happily provide you with an update on the numbers.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

I have changed my holiday from the Sept Kenya trip to Sri Lanka due to the FCO currently advising against travel.

Please could you tell me how many others are booked on the Sri Lanka trip, split of genders and age groups.

Many thanks
