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Haha, yes Julia you should have been a politician, but then we wouldn't have you here to answer our nagging questions!



YEAH!!!!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!! For the information to go live..


Hi Mark,

I'm afraid I'm going to give you a slightly vague answer (I should have gone into politics)

The brochure goes to print next week, after then, there is team that will be loading the new dates into the reservation system. If it is an existing tour, the new dates will pull through on to the website within 24 hours of being uploaded. The new tours are a different story as they require more work. The web team have requested the new tours take priority as there is a lot to be done in time for when Mr(s) Postie delivers the new brochure to our customers.

So whilst it's not an actual date - with a bit of luck, we'll have the majority of dates/prices featured in the upcoming brochure online in the next couple of weeks.

Kindest regards,



I was just wondering when the 2015 dates were going to be put online? I am eager to see what is available next year! :)

