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Hi Alan,

I've just taken a look at your booking, and it looks like a SMS was sent to you on the 20th March confirming that we had received your documents - if you would kindly send me an email (to with you phone number, I will double check your contact details.

Due to the timings associated with the visas we were only able to process visas for your departure from this week (otherwise your visa would have expired whilst you were away). I can confirm that this has been sent away and can take up to 21 days to be processed. Once we have received all the Visa documentation, your passport will be returned to you by special delivery.

Kindest regards,



I sent my passport off with my application for a Chinese visa to JustYou in the envelope provided with all the necessary forms but haven't heard back yet. I may be wrong but I thought that I would get an email on receipt of the application pack.

Should I have received an message when it was received? If not how long should I expect to wait for it to come back?

Alan Morris :huh: