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Hi Dave

I flew from Durham Tees Valley so went via Amsterdam with KLM. Unfortunately it took me 35 hours to get there due to the plane having a flat tyre on arrival at Durham causing me to miss the planned Amsterdam connection. This meant we ended up going Amsterdam-Mexico City-San Jose. Even though it took so long I could not fault the service and entertainment on board the KLM flights. Where are you flying from?

Malaria tablets were recommended for the Amazon part but as Puerto Maldonado is nearer Bolivia than Brazil only the Chloroquine type is required which can be purchased for approx £5 per pack (although some people took Malerone as they preferred it)

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask

Have a wonderful time


Hi Janet and Dave


Thank you very much for the info. The boat trip to the islands sounds great. I had been concerned about the sea being rough, but you have put my mind at ease

It sounds as if you enjoyed the holiday. Even if I could have had the time to do the Amazon add-on, I don't think I would have booked it.

I don't mind at all long coach journeys as you see more of the country you are in. I had looked on maps at distances so wasn't surprised at what you said.


Yes, I will also be going to our local GP surgery and the travel clinic nurse because I am sure some of my injections may be out of date.

Did talk to my GP about Peru last week.

I asked about Diamox for altitude sickness but she wouldn't prescribe it--said it might be needed at 15,000 feet not 12 and half, I hadn't realized then we might be at 14,000ft.GP advised me not to try coca leaves because of it possibly giving tummy problems. I will see on arrival!!

The Amazon sounds fascinating wouldn't mind seeing the parrot claylick after seeing photos of it or possibly it may have been a different claylick. I would also quite enjoy meeting an indigenous tribe, thinking of David Beckham in Brazil or even Bruce Parry. But would hate humidity, creepy crawlies and snakes.



Hi Janet

many thanks for your wonderful review some very useful information there, am really looking forward to it as it all sounds wonderful from start to finish, did you fly from London or take a regional flight and did you and others in the group take malaria tablets such as malerone for the amazon bit really and the boat to Ballestas Islands sounds exciting as too i'm sure will be monkey island as well as the parrot claylick, the lodge we are down for in the amazon is the Inkaterra Hacienda Concepcion

Thanks again and if anything else crops us I hope you don't mind me asking

Regards Dave

Hi Di

yes I received mine also and was thinking the same, as organised as I thought I was it has still given me some more food for thought, things like stuff for your tummy and although I have mosquito repellent on my list I hadn't thought about taking wrist bands with it in, this is more for the jungle bit really, the bit about the food is quite handy and telling us what types of food we'll come across and what they are and I knew i'd have to see my travel nurse to see what i'll need with the biggest concern being the cost and having to take malaria tablets, shall look into this next month, very useful info that Janet sent us, I went to India in 2011, toured Rajastan and then had ten days in Goa, I myself rarely go back to the same country I used to know someone who went there year after year usually Goa combined with somewhere else in india

hope your mum and aunt's health improve over the coming months and that you'll make it to Peru

all the best Dave

HIi Di and Dave

Sorry for the delay in reply

I thoroughly enjoyed the trip although there is a lot of travelling by coaches involved which I was not fully prepared for but is essential to be able to see everything.

The Ballestas islands were wonderful and the sea was very calm. The boat did go at speed to get to/from the islands so at times we got sprayed but it all added to the excitement. We were on the boat for approx 2 hours. It was thoroughly worthwhile with different birds around every corner and the sea-lions were a magnificent sight Unfortunately, although we were advised that dolphins are sometimes seen, we did not encounter any. I cannot remember them mentioning whales.

As far as the lodge was concerned they had their own generator so power was on for only certain periods of time. It seems likely that this will apply to all lodges in the area. It did get dark early in the Amazon (by 6pm in May). The only evening trip we had was to see the caimans. The torch was needed for the early start to the parrot claylick and for during the night within your room. The lodge did provide a lantern in the room but it was easier to have the torch in bed with you rather than fight your way through the mosquito net to get to it. I know that in a previous review someone mentioned a head-torch but it was not needed for our lodge. I assume it may well apply to the one you are staying at though.

We were not advised to wear long sleeves in the rainforest so most wore short sleeved/t-shirts due to the heat and humidity. The only essentials really seemed to be a hat, suncream and water. We did all wear long trousers and wellies for the duration though as was very muddy due to the amount of rain experienced.

As far as packing is concerned we did not have a lot of time to transfer things for the Amazon from our case to the holdall. One lady used a carry on flight case to save having to transfer item but most people just packed the Amazon stuff to the top of their main case before leaving Cuzco so that it could be transferred quickly to their holdall at Puerto Maldonado following the flight. Please note that, as it is an internal flight, they do allow you to take liquids on the plane (we did not know this until we got to the airport).

I had not taken a holdall with me but purchased a soft light "llama holdall" for approx £6 in the market just over the road to the Cuzco hotel and used that for the Amazon which was ideal. Water bottle carriers were also available everywhere and were a cheap and very useful purchase.

Hope the above helps but if you have any further questions please just ask

If I don't speak with you again beforehand have a wonderful holiday



Hello Dave

Yes, I am getting excited about Peru but I really shouldn't because it could still go wrong. Mum and aunt both getting more frail. I just need to keep positive about their health.

Received the TS info pack today. Gosh, on the health front there seems even more to think about with Peru than I ever thought about with India! I loved all my 5 Indian holidays--seeing India 5 times has obviously stopped me seeing 4 other places in the world.

Am now going to try to eliminate Peru from my mind for at least a few hours.

all the best Di

Hi Di

well our tour guide got us them but only one or two of them wore them at AR and I only put mine on for a short time as you tended to sweat more and they never stopped the pesky flies flying at you and hitting the net lol, are you getting excited about this trip then as much as me it will soon be here

Hi Janet

just a couple of questions if you really don't mind, is it wise to wear long sleeves whilst out in the rainforest and are there any evening walks hence the need for the torch and did you pack your small holdall for the amazon before you left Cusco as was just wondering regarding having much time to transfer all that you need before you catch the boat to the lodge or did you just have the small holdall already packed inside your main case so was just a case of whipping it out, even the most organised like myself can leave an important item behind in the rush of the moment if you know what I mean, many thanks

Regards Dave

Hi Dave and Janet

Dave, I am inclined to agree with you that the programme was filmed further in the rainforest. Umm! so you wear these fly nets. Please don't make any comment about me being dozy, but I really thought you were going to try and catch the pesky flies. We did a short Travelsphere holiday in 2002 to Australia, We didn't get fly nets for Ayers Rock though.

Janet, it was good to read your comments, thank you.

How long were you on the boat when you went to the Ballestas Islands and was the sea choppy? did you see any whales and dolphins?

am getting too excited about this trip

Regards Di

Hi Janet

many thanks for your advice and info much appreciated, I guess that tv programme was shot much more into the heart of the amazon but then again maybe it's the time of year that you go, the rainy season bring out more insects, it's the other lodge that Travelsphere use we are using though that can change, it all sounds so exciting and I bet you had a super time


HI All

I can understand your concerns in respect of insects having seen the tv program but I have just returned from the Peru/Amazon trip with Travelsphere and can put your mind at rest that there were very few insects to annoy us. Some of us did get a few bites so would recommend that you use deet (they also recommended we used this at Machu Picchu).

We stayed at Corto Maltes Amazonia lodge and mosquito plug-ins, hairdryers and straighteners were not permitted to be used there. I think that Travelsphere use another lodge also so not sure whether this will apply to you but thought best to advise you in case you wish to check. Following our flight to the Amazon we had to transfer what we wanted to take to the lodge into a smaller bag/holdall and leave our main suitcase in a secured room at the agents office before getting on the boat.

Throughout our trip all hotels/lodges had free room safes.

Hope the above helps but if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask
