Hi all,
we really appreciate your comments. We made the changes to the brochure page style after doing a huge amount of research with our customers and also potential customers. We talked about the type of images, the type and amount of writing on the page, the excursion content - as much as we could in order to make sure we were giving everyone what they wanted.
I appreciate that some people will want different things from the brochures and I suppose there is always the challenge of not being able to please all of the people. I just wanted to reassure you that this wasn't a decision made by "the powers that be" but as a result of talking directly to the people that matter most, our customers.
We are always all ears when it comes to every aspect of what we do though, so if you feel strongly that we aren't serving you in the way you would like then please do say so. Hopefully you will all know by now that we always listen to our customers.
Hope that gives a bit more background?