Hi Julia,
I have just completed the survey regarding travel plans for 2014.
Have to say that I was not very impressed by it. For a start Europe was divided into two: France Spain Portugal, and Italy Greece Turkey. What happened to Germany, Austria and Belgium, after all you do go there?
Then the types of holiday were very restricted, as examples. Escape, Europe tour, and independent. Asia, as a location, some would go to India/Sri Lanka, but not Vietnam, Cambodia.
The section on how much would you pay was very restricted £200-£300 increments would have been far better.
I got the impression this survey was put together by someone who wanted to know where JY travellers were going and how much they were prepared to pay. Perhaps with an agenda of deciding which to ditch in the future, and not by someone who was interested in what travellers want. For instance I am going to Austria with One Traveller because they help with independent add-ons.
Well that is my two pennorth!