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I got the London email so I must be ok in the system now


Hi Jan,

Glad we've managed to get you back on the list! Hopefully you'll continue to receive them without issue - but please let me know if you have any lull in emails from us and I will re-investigate.

Hope the job hunt is going well.

Kindest regards,


Hello Julia,

Received an email offering a London trip for Easter. Thank you for this. Would love to be on this trip but in the middle of trying to get a new job so unsure if I will be working.


Hi Jan,

Leave it with me - I'll have a look into why your aren't receiving the emails anymore and get you re-listed.



Hello Julia,

I do not remember the last time that I had an e-mail from Just You. I am on Facebook though and I see you regularly on there. Would love to go to Capri- see todays picture :)


Great idea nige0556

When the next email is sent, I'll add a note to this thread.

Kindest regards,


Just a suggestion

if everyone on the database gets sent the email at the same time, could you put a message on here when the next one goes out, so we will all know for certain if we're on the list or not, or if our spam filter is being over zealous?

'stu151' wrote:

Hi Julia

Could you clarify who this goes out to please ?

For example, is it sent to everyone who has bought a JY holiday in the last x months ? (Assuming they haven't opted out)



Hi Stuart,

The e-newsletter is sent to everyone on our database who has opt-ed in to receive electronic communications from us (no time limits on when they signed up). They could have signed up when they purchased a holiday with us, when they requested a brochure, or simply signed up to receive the email via the main website. There is no time-frame related to it so you should receive the enews whether you booked with us last month, last year or 5 years ago as long as you haven't unsubscribed at any point.

Kindest regards,


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Julia, I used to receive regular emails from JY and TS but I haven't received any for a long time now...



PS At least the brochures are coming in the post these days, which is great, many thanks!

Hi Bob,

Leave it with me - If we can get the brochures to you I'm 100% sure we can get the emails to you too.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Could you clarify who this goes out to please ?

For example, is it sent to everyone who has bought a JY holiday in the last x months ? (Assuming they haven't opted out)

