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Hi Bob

Thanks for reassuring us that September is about the best month to visit Peru especially with the amazon exactly what i thought having done many searches i didn't want to leave it late October or into November to get to the amazon to find it almost too wet to go out which i guess is why the price drops so fingers crossed

all the best


Hi Pam,

I'm sure I read somewhere that Sept is the best time if you want to do the Amazon add-on as well. Hope this helps!




Wow! That certainly gave me some lovely feed back, thank you everyone. Too many to reply to separately, but most definitely food for thought.

Plus, some of the advice given as to best travel times. I did read it best to travel to Peru in May but some replies suggest September. So definitely worth looking into.

Thank you all. Speak soon.

Take care.



Thanks Will. I do not have a Brochure, originally I was looking on the Website. I actually live in Spain, so I have never requested a Brochure. Assume you do not send them to Spain so spend time on the websites instead.

Many thanks.


'JY wrote:

Hi Pam,

I've got the Just You brochure in front of me and I can see the same notes about altitude and rough ground. Can I check where you are looking please?



'BGray' wrote:

Hi Angie, I'm delighted you're now officially booked! And Diane, I do hope your holiday plans work out, fingers crossed!

All the best,


Bob and Dave

Thanks for comments. Am keeping my fingers crossed too, in the hopes my family is OK in September and I actually get to Peru this year. I normally prefer to travel with JY although I have done some TS trips as well.

best wishes Diane

yes thats what i thought, TS has a much better value tour of peru than JY for not a lot more though would have preferred to go with JY for the more single company, also going from birmingham gets us there the evening before the london lot giving us the morning to browse around lima
Hi Angie,

I'm flying from Heathrow via Madrid which means that I won't get there till the next day. I believe that you get to Lima the night before us London lot.

Hi Mark,

The TS Peru holiday, even with paying the single room supplement, only worked out about £100 more than the JY trip.



This holiday looks amazing, but i doo prefer the TS holiday which is slightly longer. Seems a waste to go half way round the world for just 11 days but then again i suppose the cost would increase as well.


Hi Jim,

Are you going via Schipol? I am. I'm flying from Edinburgh to Schipol. I'm not looking forward to that part and am glad I flew through Schipol with a fellow traveller last year so I kind of know what to expect.


Hi Angie, I'm delighted you're now officially booked! And Diane, I do hope your holiday plans work out, fingers crossed!

All the best,
