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'janib' wrote:

Hello Mick,

My girls were so worried when they watched the news on Hurricane Ike, I was having the time of my life. Drinking on Bourbon Street with 50 mph winds, listening to a Blues band :)


Remember been in Kansas City once when a load of sirens started sounding, thought it was an air raid, lol.

Asked a local and was told to find somewhere safe as it was tornado warnings.

Found a lovely little bar in a cellar with a live band on, had to stay all night was only about 10 of us in the place.

Hello Mick,

My girls were so worried when they watched the news on Hurricane Ike, I was having the time of my life. Drinking on Bourbon Street with 50 mph winds, listening to a Blues band :)


'janib' wrote:

I have booked the November 3rd trip due to Micks' influence. I went on the jazz cruise trip just after Hurricane Ike- beautiful electrical storm that lit up the sky and pouring with rain. On the bottom deck open to the elements sheltered by the deck above right next to the engine room. Very surreal, a great memory.



With both of us having a history of attracting hurricanes its proberly a good job we are not going in September, should be ok by november though. :thumbup:


I have booked the November 3rd trip due to Micks' influence. I went on the jazz cruise trip just after Hurricane Ike- beautiful electrical storm that lit up the sky and pouring with rain. On the bottom deck open to the elements sheltered by the deck above right next to the engine room. Very surreal, a great memory.


Hi Jafch,

This should be a wonderful trip, I am so much looking forward to it, always wanted to visit Chicago, also Memphis and New Orleans, the trip on the Mississipi, sounds great.

Hi Rosie9

At the moment there are seven of you booked on this tour - given that it is almost a year away I would say this looks like it might be a popular one.

Kindest regards,



Just seen post from Rosie9, I'm also flying from Manchester on this trip.

Jfach x

Hello all,

Looking at September but also maybe changing job so difficult to book at the moment. Like Mick, I was in New Orleans as Hurricane Ike hit. Gustav had already left a lot of flooding and cranky alligators in the Bayou, so we were curtailled somewhat. Bourbon Street with 50 mph winds as Hurricane Ike swept past was scary. Ruined the end of our trip and had to come back from Atlanta instead of Houston.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Rosie9

At the moment there are seven of you booked on this tour - given that it is almost a year away I would say this looks like it might be a popular one.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia, Thanks for your help.

Hi Rosie9

At the moment there are seven of you booked on this tour - given that it is almost a year away I would say this looks like it might be a popular one.

Kindest regards,


Hi, Can you please let me know how many at the moment are booked on this trip for 20th Oct 2014 flying from Manchester, I have booked, on this, as it is the only one from Manchester., hoping it will be popular.