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Hi Stuart,

I can try and help....

With this holiday the regional flights are going direct to Malaga rather that connecting in London so there will be staggered arrival times. Our team try to keep these as close together as possible but are at the mercy of the airlines and their schedules.

At the moment the scheduled arrival times for the regional departures (including Gatwick) in Malaga are between 10:10 and 12:40 however, I have to include my usual line that flight timings will be confirmed in your final documents.

I hope that helps but please let me know if not.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Can you unconfuse me please !

A friend of mine is on this holiday, and she has given me an arrival time for the flight from Gatwick which seems at odds with the ones from Bristol & Manchester.

I know that sometimes, due to demand, JY has to split people between 2 flights, and I wondered if that was the case with this holiday.

Thus, are all of the "Gatwick 29" on the same flight, and what time does the flight (or flights) arrive at Malaga ?



Hi Stuart

Of course I can....

There are 48 of you booked on this Christmas departure and the group is made up of 15 men and 33 women with ages from early-40s through to mid-90s

There are 3 of you travelling from Bristol and 29 travelling from Gatwick

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Some time ago, before the holiday was fully booked you gave me some figures on age range, male/female split etc for this holiday.

Now it's fully booked could you supply the final figures please.

Also could you say how many people are travelling from Bristol (for me) and from Gatwick (for a friend of mine, who's also on the trip).



Hi Debbie,

This trip is fully booked which is why you won't find it on the website.

There are 48 of you travelling on this departure.

Kindest regards,


Is this trip now fully booked as it's not showing up as an option? If so how many are in this group? Thanks Debbie