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The more different types of holidays the better as far as I'm concerned and if JY & Solos (and others) do similar holidays thats fine by me, competition only helps the customer with more choice and potentially competitive prices.

To be honest although some activity holidays would definately appeal to me Cycling isn't something I'd choose for an holiday but i think plenty would, to my knowledge don't think Solos do cycling so its possibly a untapped market.

I quite agree Sookie, everyones entitled to their opinion, as long as they don't try to influence others because of their own personal likes/dislikes. Gentle Cycling, that's why I suggested Holland, nice and flat! :thumbup:

Bob, I take your point but each to his own, don't be too frightened of the 'dark side' 😃 I'm sure Just You wouldn't start abandoning lots of tours and resorts to just fit in a few cycle rides and walks!

Having one company doing 'activity' holidays and one doing 'tours' smacks to me of anti-competitiveness, and drives prices up. Monopoly (not the Board game) springs to mind?

Remember, the majority of people who use JY do not use the forums, so your point of what the majority view is on here is a bit invalid.

i'm sure a cycling holiday or a few more walks, or something like that, like skiing!!! yea, would not threaten the 'tour' disciples, and give a bit more choice to those of us that wish to try different things.

'sookie222' wrote:

'Auntie wrote:

'BGray' wrote:

Hi I'm sorry but activity holidays don't interest me one bit! I think the strength of JY is that their holidays (except the Walking the Ahr Valley and the mini Yorkshire break) are all touring or resort based (and these always offer excursions)[/i]. Solo's do walking, trekking, skiing, tennis and golf holidays with only a small selection of touring holidays and I think that's fair enough. I'd hate to see JY diversify into these areas to the detriment of their selection of touring hols!

All the best,


Hi all,

Must agree with both BobG and Cindy. As the Americans say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"!!!!!!



Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, afterall this isn't a private member's club and I'm sure JY will do their best to please as many customers as possible in some way, shape or form! I don't have a lot of stamina for long walks so, for me, pedalling slowly through beautiful landscape, taking in the fresh air and the fragrances from the flowers, with an occasional refreshment break at some lovely little tavern would be something I'd like to try. Then sitting around a table in the evening with a lovely group of people, discussing the days events - the views, the challenges and who almost fell off 🙂. Sue

Would just like to add that I am not an 'activity loving' person! The thought of booking a holiday with a company known for providing activities would terrify me, as the majority of customers would most probably love activities and no doubt be much more capable than I am. It's purely the 'different experience' of cycling aspect that I was hoping JY might be willing to give some thought to - hopefully lovers of fast bikes and strenuous activity would go elsewhere! Sue

Hi Sue, the way you describe it does sound lovely! It would be very pleasant to cycle through Alpine villages with their stunning scenery, if it wasn't for the hills! I'd suggest if you do a bit of research and find the ideal area for such a holiday and give it a push, who knows it might become a reality! As you've probably seen my concern is that I wouldn't like to see JY going big time down the activity hol route, but I'd guess there might be scope and possibly demand for one or two holidays of this type, who knows?!!

All the best,


'Auntie wrote:

'BGray' wrote:

Hi I'm sorry but activity holidays don't interest me one bit! I think the strength of JY is that their holidays (except the Walking the Ahr Valley and the mini Yorkshire break) are all touring or resort based (and these always offer excursions)[/i]. Solo's do walking, trekking, skiing, tennis and golf holidays with only a small selection of touring holidays and I think that's fair enough. I'd hate to see JY diversify into these areas to the detriment of their selection of touring hols!

All the best,


Hi all,

Must agree with both BobG and Cindy. As the Americans say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"!!!!!!



Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion, afterall this isn't a private member's club and I'm sure JY will do their best to please as many customers as possible in some way, shape or form! I don't have a lot of stamina for long walks so, for me, pedalling slowly through beautiful landscape, taking in the fresh air and the fragrances from the flowers, with an occasional refreshment break at some lovely little tavern would be something I'd like to try. Then sitting around a table in the evening with a lovely group of people, discussing the days events - the views, the challenges and who almost fell off 🙂. Sue

Hi PA, I think you have completely missed my point! The holiday market for single travellers is quite small, albeit a growing one, and there are currently two medium sized companies who specialize in such holidays and a couple of smaller ones. Given the size of the market, it would not make any business sense for JY to try to mimic the range of holidays offered by Solo's, who as I said in my previous post, focus more on activity and sun holidays for single travellers and only offer around 15 touring holidays per year.

In reality, Solo's and JY complement each other as JY specialize in touring holidays so there is not a huge overlap between the two companies. I do not think it would be a good move from a business perspective for JY to offer a range of activity holidays when Solo's already do this and do it quite successfully. Nobody is being "pressurized" into looking at another holiday company; Solo's are very reputable and from what I've heard from many of my JY travelling companions who have also travelled with them, they are just as friendly and well-run - they just cater for a different part of the market. As you say, it is highly competitive market and both JY and Solo's (and I'm sure the other competitors) are finding it challenging to find their niche. Solo's have dropped a lot of their touring holidays over the last couple of years and JY have had a lot of restructuring with various mergers. There has been very little demand on this forum for activity based holidays, apart from a couple of threads like this one and another that suggested dancing holidays (which Solo's actually do!). So I do think there is plenty of choice and my comments arise out of concern for JY going down an avenue that would most probably not be successful (for example, after the merger a couple of years ago with Page and Moy, and the latter was rebranded as a culture and wildlife company which unfortunately was not successful - a pity as this certainly appealed to me!).

I hope this helps you to understand where I'm coming from on this issue. If the market were indeed very large, I'd have no problem with JY having a range of activity holidays, provided it still offered an extensive range of touring ones. However, given current economic circumstances I firmly do not believe that the market could sustain this.

All the best,


Seems my last post wasn't deemed acceptable enough to put up! :s so I'll try again and see if this one gets past the censor!

Theres nothing wrong with a bit of variety in holidays, no-one is forcing anyone to go on a holiday they don't want to, if you don't like 'activity' holidays, simple answer, don't book one! :rolleyes:

There doesnt mean that just because some people don't like those types of holidays that there isn't a demand for them amongst present and future Just You customers. Don't cry down an idea just cause you don't fancy it, many other people may well do!

As a holiday company I would guess Just You is in a highly competitive market, if the demand is there then they would be commerically silly not to offer these types of holidays, after all, there hardly that offensive!

Just You surely caters for all types of holidaymakers, those who like tour and centre based holidays, those who like some more 'activity' (although why cycling is causing such a fuss I'm at a loss to understand!) and those who like both.

That's what a good, open holiday company should provide, not just to cater to a narrow type of holiday maker who wants to stick to 'what they know' that excludes others from experiencing new types of holiday, pressuring them to look at other companies who may not have the same friendly culture, and encourages new customers.

i think that's nuff said. :thumbup:

'BGray' wrote:

Hi I'm sorry but activity holidays don't interest me one bit! I think the strength of JY is that their holidays (except the Walking the Ahr Valley and the mini Yorkshire break) are all touring or resort based (and these always offer excursions)[/i]. Solo's do walking, trekking, skiing, tennis and golf holidays with only a small selection of touring holidays and I think that's fair enough. I'd hate to see JY diversify into these areas to the detriment of their selection of touring hols!

All the best,


Hi all,

Must agree with both BobG and Cindy. As the Americans say "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"!!!!!!



Hi I'm sorry but activity holidays don't interest me one bit! I think the strength of JY is that their holidays (except the Walking the Ahr Valley and the mini Yorkshire break) are all touring or resort based (and these always offer excursions)[/i]. Solo's do walking, trekking, skiing, tennis and golf holidays with only a small selection of touring holidays and I think that's fair enough. I'd hate to see JY diversify into these areas to the detriment of their selection of touring hols!

All the best,


'sookie222' wrote:

Hi JY,

I was talking with a friend recently who had just returned, with her family, from a fabulous picturesque cycling holiday in Germany (along the Moselle Valley) - the bikes provided seemed practically new and the cycle tracks perfect! I'm 58 now and haven't been on a bike since I was 22 but apparently there were all levels of experience on the cycling holiday. I thought I'd put the idea forward to JY for a possible future holiday. I remember my first skiing holiday which was spent with a lot of beginners and it was hilarious, I could see a cycling holiday being a lot of fun too (although probably best that everyone could at least ride to some degree or we may not get very far :)). What do you think, can you see any reason why this might not be practical? Sue

For JY Will, a nice introduction would be Holland, nice and flat! 😉