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I Am ALWAYS watching this space!!!,


Hi Cindy,

We've been having some conversations about that today .... watch this space.

Julia's the hunt going for replacing Benny Boy!!! And releasing you ????? From the Interim Editor post..

Will....I am sure you will / would look after us all....and as YOU say what could possible go wrong.... LOL


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Cindy,

I'll look forward to hearing what the plans (and back-up plans) are when you've had a chance to peruse the new brochure.

I do like to get out and about in this grand old world of ours, and I don't just listen/read the community posts - I get inspired! I've already been to Iceland this year, and I've got my eye on Croatia and Spain in the Autumn. But I've got to make sure that my community members are left in safe hands before I commit to a holiday!


I'll look after them Jules, what could possibly go wrong?!:cool:

Hi Cindy,

I'll look forward to hearing what the plans (and back-up plans) are when you've had a chance to peruse the new brochure.

I do like to get out and about in this grand old world of ours, and I don't just listen/read the community posts - I get inspired! I've already been to Iceland this year, and I've got my eye on Croatia and Spain in the Autumn. But I've got to make sure that my community members are left in safe hands before I commit to a holiday!



You can always guarantee I have a back up plan, and normally more than one.

We never here where you are off to on your travels, I hope you do travel this world of ours I would hate to think that just listen to all our travelling and not do some yourself.


Hi Cindy,

Not a problem - anyway I can help!

As JY Will has mentioned there are loads of new tours being launched with the new brochure so there maybe something that ticks a few boxes - but it's great to hear you've got a back-up plan just in case!

Kindest regards,



Thanks for all of that information....and getting back so soon to me.

I think it will have to be pick a date and see what happens.. Which is how I usually run my life!!

I shall await the new brochure, and see if anything else grabs me, if not this could be my tour for 2014...


Hi Cindy,

I can certainly try to help you!

I've had a look at this years dates to see what the situation was with bookings and cancellations and can share with you the following....

Only one date was cancelled from the first edition brochure and this due to operational reasons. Of the other dates, 5 are fully booked, and the remaining three have limited availability. 40 travellers is the maximum number that we can take on these holidays so we can operate with less and there is some going out this year with 20ish travellers (but we do need minimum numbers).

Looking back to 2012 we operated 6 Canada & New England in the Fall dates which were all almost fully booked. I've also taken a quick look at the numbers for the Travelsphere equivalent this year and we're operating a tour 5/6 days a week throughout September and October.

My thoughts (and I must stress these are mine and not that of the wider business), is that this is a very popular destination to visit at this time of year. In addition to this more and more travellers are choosing to travel as a single traveller and using companies like Just You to visit the destinations they desire in a safe way. If just some of those people want to visit this region, and choose Just You to do so, the demand will be there which means we can operate the holidays.

Not sure if that helps or just creates more questions.

Kindest regards,



Can you HELP ME!!!!

Unless something else grabs me in the new brochure due out soon..

I am thinking of the above tour..some of this I have done before but there is so much to see I don't mind doing it all again and with the Canada part it sound very interesting ..what worries me is this, there are so many dates going in a short space.

17, 23, 29, September leaving LHR and 5th October leaving Manchester I know why because of the fall colours, but in reality would all these actually be viable...

This is my dilemma, if your running all these dates this year are they all running. As the USA tours seem to be large group 40? That's a lot of people..

What are your thoughts if any!!!!

I so hate booking and then it gets cancelled...I would say its only happened once in 10 bookings ...and I could not change my dates...which then became my problem..
