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Hello All,

You can see the Community on the home page - you just have to scroll down a bit and it's on the left hand side.

Kind regards


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Bob,

This is not a glitch, this is the start of something much bigger!

You'll start seeing some changes occurring across the site over the next few weeks and months (I've seen the unofficial versions and it looks great (especially with the links to the community)

In the meantime there is still a link on the homepage to the community - it can be found on the left hand side of the page under the boxes for the holiday search, email newsletter and first single holiday.

Kindest regards,


This is the area where Julia knows stuff before me! Although I think I caught a sneaky peek on someone's screen yesterday and it looked VERY smart! I'm very excited!

Hi Sylvia, I've done the same!



'Julia' wrote:

Hi Bob,

I don't think there is any possibility of that happening - I've already asked when the new Community link will be integrated and was given the response "soon"...

I hope you (and all the other community members) like all the new changes that are coming in.


I've got the J. Y. Community as a favourite in my bookmarks and I seem to be able to access the forum ok.

I have the community page saved so my link goes straight through to the boards .......missing the home page entirely I have to remember every so often to check the home pages,,,


Hi Bob,

I don't think there is any possibility of that happening - I've already asked when the new Community link will be integrated and was given the response "soon"...

I hope you (and all the other community members) like all the new changes that are coming in.


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Bob,

This is not a glitch, this is the start of something much bigger!

You'll start seeing some changes occurring across the site over the next few weeks and months (I've seen the unofficial versions and it looks great (especially with the links to the community)

In the meantime there is still a link on the homepage to the community - it can be found on the left hand side of the page under the boxes for the holiday search, email newsletter and first single holiday.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

I thought this was a glitch as well. It is annoying to have to scroll down and not have the community on the home page, so I have book marked the community and skip the home page entirely. If it means I miss something else, so what, I'll find it at some time.



Hi Julia, thanks for that - I've now located the Community link! Just didn't want our friendly forum to disappear from view! Looking forward to all the changes - and the new holidays even more!



Hi Bob,

This is not a glitch, this is the start of something much bigger!

You'll start seeing some changes occurring across the site over the next few weeks and months (I've seen the unofficial versions and it looks great (especially with the links to the community)

In the meantime there is still a link on the homepage to the community - it can be found on the left hand side of the page under the boxes for the holiday search, email newsletter and first single holiday.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Just clicked on the website and the Community tab had disappeared on the home page - there are two slightly different versions of the destinations tab instead! The only way you can access the community seems to be to go to the "new to JY" tab and scroll down where it tells you about the community. Just thought I should let you know! No need to publish this thread if it's just a temporary glitch.

All the best,
