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'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Katy

You don't have to organise your own flights to add days either before or end of the holiday. Just You can do this for you. I flew out 3 days early when I went to Holyland (Israel) last October. They would also have organised the transfer from Airport to the hotel, but I chose to take the local taxi as it was much cheaper.



Hi Jaya

Didn't know they would do that for Israel, was aware that some people added on time in Oz/NZ for visiting relatives - so useful to know, thanks. But for me would help to have the make your own way on US holidays so that I could use my Virgin airmiles - have a Virgin CC which I use as much a possible so have a large airmiles balance built up waiting for me to use.

regards, Katy

'BGray' wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Bob, Sue, totally understand some people like the security of having it all organised.....and its less hassle.

but if you want to live life on the edge....:D

Wait until you hear me singing Volare in October.!

That's living life on the edge! :P

Sounds like a once in a lifetime experience, I'm so sorry I'm not on your tour and that you can't put videos on the forum - perhaps you could share this on YouTube when you get back??!!

Have a great hol and happy operatics,



Hi Katy

You don't have to organise your own flights to add days either before or end of the holiday. Just You can do this for you. I flew out 3 days early when I went to Holyland (Israel) last October. They would also have organised the transfer from Airport to the hotel, but I chose to take the local taxi as it was much cheaper.



'Bosuncat' wrote:

'Puer wrote:

Bob, Sue, totally understand some people like the security of having it all organised.....and its less hassle.

but if you want to live life on the edge....:D

Wait until you hear me singing Volare in October.!

That's living life on the edge! :P

Sounds like a once in a lifetime experience, I'm so sorry I'm not on your tour and that you can't put videos on the forum - perhaps you could share this on YouTube when you get back??!!

Have a great hol and happy operatics,


'Puer wrote:

Bob, Sue, totally understand some people like the security of having it all organised.....and its less hassle.

but if you want to live life on the edge....:D

Wait until you hear me singing Volare in October.!

That's living life on the edge! 😛

As far as Europe destinations are concerned, I'm happy for it all to be organised. But for US holidays, I was sorry that the 'make your own way" option was discontinued - the option of organising my own flights would have meant it was possible for me to have added a couple of days to the beginning or end of a holiday (or both). Am going on the Parks and LBH in October and it would have been nice to have been able to add days to Denver and Las Vegas.
Bob, Sue, totally understand some people like the security of having it all organised.....and its less hassle.

but if you want to live life on the edge....:D

I agree with Bob. I rather have everything booked for me and know that if anything goes wrong then things will be sorted out. I rather pay a bit more and have this safety net then booking my own flights and transfers just to save a few pounds.


As Bob has said if you book your own flights (and don't forget transfers) when things go wrong you are on your own. Booking all as a package is much safer. I have the hassle of getting to the London airports just like most people but I wold rather that then take the risk with a low cost airline and have to book my own transfers to and from the airport at the destination. Sounds as if Greece will be popular. Glad its not Crete been there twice.
'Puer wrote:

'JY wrote:

'Puer wrote:

'JY wrote:

'Bosuncat' wrote:

Thanks Julia. Looks as though this has got a few people interested!

I've long fancied one of the Greek Islands, either Corfu, Crete or Santorini but the friend I used to go on holiday with would never go for it. Then I was concerned about going there on my own.

I await September with interest.

ne make do with one island when you can have two!?

Definately looking forward to some good Greek Islands (away from the English Breakfast resorts!!! :s) have a lot of knowledge of them.

Here's a thought Will, not just for Greek Island Hopping, but for other short haul or home based breaks, is it feasible for mix and match type holidays, where say JY book the accommodation/trips etc, but we could arrange our own travel to/from the resort?

Hi Eternal Boy,

it's an interesting idea... just trying to get my brain around the logistics. Are you suggesting that we send groups or individuals? and we just book some hotels and the main flights?

Will, Will, Will........... you've given away the translation of my moniker! :s now I'm going to have to create a new one, lol.

It was just a fleeting thought, I was thinking of hotels being booked by JY, with flights optional, it could be for groups or individuals whichever is logistically and commercially beneficial for JY. If its possible, it might attract more independant travellers and a slightly younger demographic. I susspose it depends on whether you would attract people who like the idea of arranging their own (possiblely cheaper ) travel, but still like the thought of having the security of accomodation arranged and a like group of singles to meet up with. I used to do a lot of backpacking when I was younger, and its the elements of that type of travel I was thinking of.

Ah now Tim, anyone with a basic knowledge of Latin could work it out! I like your idea although I do remember some people on the forum saying that JY used to have a "make your own way" option a few years back. I do prefer having everything booked and sorted however - on my first JY hol to Andalucia three years ago, I booked my own connecting flights from Dublin, as JY couldn't book me on a holiday originating in Ireland. The departure time from the UK was then changed and I had to rebook my outward flight from Dublin. On the way home there was a lightning 24 hour strike in Spain and our tour manager had to book everyone on new flights home. As I'd booked my own connecting flight from the UK back to Ireland, JY were not liable and I had to pay for it myself. By booking my own flights it cost me an extra €300! So from then on, I've been getting JY to book all my flights and I drive to Belfast. More complicated I know, but better safe than sorry! So what I'm saying is - if we could book our own flights we might possibly get them cheaper (and possibly not) and we'd have more flexibility - but if anything goes wrong regarding delays, changes or cancellations, JY have no liability and we're on our own!

