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Sorry I can't help you with any of your choices of holidays. I have not been on any of those one at all.

I wish you well and I am sure you will be travelling very soon 2015!!! If not before With JY


Hi Pam,

It's great to hear that you are forward planning and making that list - I find being on the community most days my appetite to travel to new destinations grows with every review, hint and tip that our members share, I'm sure you'll find that your list grows and grows!

So, Egypt in 2014 given the situation there at the moment, it was felt that many of our customers would prefer to avoid the area at this time and as such no dates have yet been published - this is a popular tour and we will review whether or not to offer this holiday at a later date.

Turkey, the holidays we have to this destination offer a number of excursions (whether included or optional) to ancient sites - you're likely to encounter uneven ground and and some steps around the sites. Again, our community members really are a great source of information as to how you may find this.

If there is anything else I can help with, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Kindest regards,


Thank you Julia and Cindy for your help. I have been browsing JY for about 18 months, and as each month passes I get more and more excited that I will soon be able to do some of the holidays on my "List". My mortgage is nearly finished, and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

I am hoping to go to Thailand for Christmas 2014 with a friend whose son is married to a Thai girl, and has a grandson. So that won't be a JY, but in 2015 it will definitely be Peru and the Amazon add on!

In the meantime, I was thinking of doing Egypt, but as there is trouble out there, JY have no holidays for 2014 as yet. So it looks as if I might have to do Turkey instead. So what is the situation there in respect of rough ground, gradients and steps?

I am definitely going to do something, to get on the band wagon, and will definitely browse and question on the forum.

Thank you both for your help.:thumbup:



I Have been on many tours ranging from Austria Kenya New Zealand and many more. I do think what Julia suggests is the best way to go, get a selection of tours in your mind and then put a posting on the boards asking for the members that have been on them to be honest with the walking side of things.

I would say I am 53 but I have been out walked by people many years older than I am.

I hope you find a tour that you will be fine on.

Good Luck


Hi Pam,

You did nothing wrong - all of the posts on the community are moderated so there will be a delay from when you post your message to when it appears on the forum.

The comment and it's meaning varies on every tour. For example - there are a number of steps to get to the see the views from the Great Wall which may be fine for 99% of our travellers and rough ground may refer to a National Park in the US where you'll walk on a trail but it may not be on tarmac.

I would recommend that you pick a tour that you really want to do (it seems like you've found a few that you'd enjoy) and either speak with one of our Holiday Advisors who will be able to give you more information about a particular holiday or ask the community for their thoughts - members who have been on these trips are the best people to comment on whether it might be suitable.

Kindest regards,



I already made a post about this, but cannot find it, so maybe I did something wrong.

The Words:

Please note:

This holiday includes walking in areas of rough ground, gradients and steps.

I am an elderly person, yes I need to lose some weight, but I want to start having some of these holidays.

So what exactly does it mean, i.e. several miles over rough ground, gradient as in mountaineering, or several flights of steps in order to get to the top of something!

Almost every holiday I want to do has this wording, (Canada, China, Thailand, Turkey, EGypt, Peru and Route 66 are all on my list to do). Is it not possible to run a tour for the slow coaches like me?

çThank you for your attention.:huh: