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'Julia' wrote:

Hi Mike,

This tour has 10 places left (15 already booked). Unfortunately we can't "reserve" places but with 10 places left you should be OK to wait until you return from your holiday if you would like to book.

If you can be flexible on your dates of travel, there are two more departures in September with a couple of places left (at the moment).

Have a wonderful holiday.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Many thanks for your reply.

In view of the number of places left I think I will take a chance and make my decision when I get back.


Hi Mike,

This tour has 10 places left (15 already booked). Unfortunately we can't "reserve" places but with 10 places left you should be OK to wait until you return from your holiday if you would like to book.

If you can be flexible on your dates of travel, there are two more departures in September with a couple of places left (at the moment).

Have a wonderful holiday.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia,

Can you tell me how many places are still available for the Discover Sicily holiday departing on the 3rd September 2013.

I am giving serious thought to booking but ideally I would like to make my final decision after I return on the 16th June from my forthcoming JY trip to the Cilento Coast departing this Sunday.

I don't want to miss out so is there any way of putting a hold on a holiday without losing my deposit.

Many thanks
