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Not sure what happened. I was typing a reply to Bob and suddenly I lost it!

Bob, South Africa/Zambia is definitely on my list. My thinking is that the likelyhood of Just You not offering this holiday for a couple of years is a lot less than offering Costa Rica / Nicaragua. So all being well I may decide on CR / Nicaragua next year and South Africa / Zambia the year after. Anyway, I will decide once I have seen the 2014 brochure. There are so many places I want to visit, but not enough time and cash!!



Hi Jaya, it would be lovely to meet you on the CR/Nicaragua tour in March! However, I have to say that my loyalties are tied regarding your holiday choices as South Africa/Zambia has been my top holiday so far. I do hope that Kerala makes a return if not next year then sometime soon after that as you have obviously got your heart set on it. Fingers crossed everything works out for us all!

Take care,


Hi Bob

Did not realise I am a freak till you mentioned it! Thanks.


Please do your best to offer Kerala again. I guess I will have to pick another long haul destination for next year. Might go for Costa Rica/Nicaragua so I can meet Bob though South Africa with Zambia add on too is tempting. I will wait for the new brochure and decide where to go towards the end of the year when I will know for sure when I will be strong enough to do long haul trips. Hopefully will get a chance to go to Kerala one of these days.


Hi Jaya congratulations on becoming a freak!!



'Julia' wrote:

Hi Jaya,

I think this is more a question for Will as he looks after our products - I don't get to see what is added until the new brochure is signed off for printing.

Kindest regards,


it's not currently in the plan I'm afraid Jaya. That doesn't mean it won't happen though

Hi Jaya,

I think this is more a question for Will as he looks after our products - I don't get to see what is added until the new brochure is signed off for printing.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Any chance you can find out if Just You will be offering the Kerala holiday next year? I had booked it for October, but had to cancel, which was very disappointing. I really hope it is offered next year so I can rebook it.

