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'Annam' wrote:


That is an impressive holiday plan! I did the Peru trip (without the Amazon add on - which I now regret) and it was impressive. The Russia & Jordan holidays were just as great.

I've found your reviews of holidays that you've done very good & very helpful.


Hi Anna,

Many thanks for your kind comments! I'd love to do Russia in particular. It's quite a short tour, so I think I'd try to do the Golden Ring departure if possible. Glad you enjoyed the Peru tour!

All the best,


Hi Mark, TS have dropped the Borneo tour as well! But hopefully either they or JY will bring it back in a couple of years. Montenegro is on my wish list too - I really like the look of the TS tour as it incorporates Dubrovnik in Croatia and day trips to Albania and Bosnia/Herzegovina (Mostar). Sounds wonderful! I hope JY introduce it as well, as this would move it up a number of places on my to-do list!

All the best,


Hi Marks,

Just You hasn't operated Mexico for a couple of years, sometimes we "rest" tours and re-introduce them at a later date.  - why don't you start a new thread to see who else is interested in Montenegro but also what other destinations top the wish list?

Kindest regards,


WOW Bob you are so forward planning!!! Come August. Will be granny to 3, they are a costly item these days!!! But I can't wait to see what's on offer for 2014.... Hopefully not another grandchild!!!


Hi Julia,

My prolonged protest and persuasion for JY to do a trip to Slovenia and as such i am now lobbying for Montenegro. It is done in TS and is an excursion on the Christmas in croatia tour. Are you guys thinking of doing this? I like Bob's idea of Borneo and the Orangutans which i know TS do.

I have an idea Julia. Does the forum have the capacity to introduce a poll? One in which we could tick potential destinations and add our comments to suggest potential excursions??


What, since when do JY not do Mexico?? I thought it was quite a popular tour, why did you guys drop it?
Hi pat534,

the new brochure will be out in early June, do you have any preferences on where you would like to travel?

Kindest regards,


I am also waiting for the new brochure. I need to plan my Feb 2014 trip.I have done several JY ones so my choice is limited
Thanks Julia, I'll certainly write a review for any JY trip that I do! I'm really looking forward to seeing what new holidays JY introduce over the next few years - depending on the destinations it could change my plans completely!

Hope you get to some of your dream destinations too!

All the best,



That is an impressive holiday plan! I did the Peru trip (without the Amazon add on - which I now regret) and it was impressive. The Russia & Jordan holidays were just as great.

I've found your reviews of holidays that you've done very good & very helpful.
