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Lol the men are always lucky:s or maybe they think us LADIES always outnumber them....:thumbup:

Even when I went on the Memphis (elvis) and Nashville (grand old opry) Tour we still only had 2 men in the tour group...


yeah I'm gonna be the youngun, I did think there would only be a few at this stage.

excited, though.

lucky, gent eh


It's great to hear that you'll be joining us this year.

At the moment there are six of you booked on this departure - but it is still quite a way off and I would imagine that this date will start filling up over the next couple of weeks.

In terms of ages and ratio - there is a mix from 25 (I believe this is you?) though to someone in their seventies and there is just one gentleman booked.

Kindest regards


Hello :)

I have booked this holiday this weekend and was wondering if there are currently any others booked / ratio / ages? 🙂