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how about arranging for a face to face meet up so we can all brain storm together as I am sure amongst us all LOL:P there are ideas that could benefit us and all the others..... Or a video conference call !!!!!!!!!:cool:

Sun still out here approx 75 !!!! But will be back in blighty by late hoo


Ben 11 years ago
Hi Bob,

Haha, worry not, I am made of stronger stuff than that, I like ideas being floated, it all helps everything work a little bit better 🙂

All the best for now,



Hi Ben, that's great! You can now stick a new pin in my voodoo doll!!! Sorry if I've annoyed you, I am genuinely trying to be helpful!

All the best,


PS I'm just wondering if I should have patented my breakthrough idea before airing it on the forum, what a missed opportunity!!

Ben 11 years ago
Morning Bob,

I am armed with my pen and paper 🙂



Hi Ben thanks for your reply; I understand where you're coming from because if I look at the forum on my phone and spot a post I want to reply to, it can be hard for me to find it again when I'm next on my laptop! It must be especially tricky for you when someone asks a number of questions and you answer the first one, and then have to remember to go back to that post to answer their other questions.

So I've a suggestion to make your life a little easier and it's easy to implement too!! How about you keep a pen and A4 pad (or something similar) beside your computer and when someone asks a question that will take time to answer, or asks more than one question, you make a note on your pad, with the name of the thread and which questions still need to be addressed. Then you'll easily see which posts you still have to reply to and can tick them off when they are completed!

At the same time, if you have already acknowledged the post on the forum and flagged it as needing research before a reply, then this would cut down on the number of repetitive posts and stop people getting frustrated if you haven't answered all their questions! What do you think?

All the best,


There is no getting away from me;) TO BE HONEST I have just crawled off the lounger as needed to Cool :huh: down ..I know your cold in EnglAnd LOL but I am not:P....

Be back to cold weather far to soon:dodgy: and will assist on the boards where and when I can ....

I hope you have enjoyed the mini break from my tweetering ons


Ben 11 years ago
Hi Bob,

In regards to this, I could absolutely state that a response may take a few days, the only problem is; when I approve a thread it goes into the forum and it is sometimes hard to find them again, so I don't approve posts until I have the ability to answer it, I can certainly have a look into a different method though because your points are quite valid,



Hi Ben, any response from my comments above?

All the best,


'sallyc' wrote:


Is there any way we can ban Cindy from posting while she's away on holiday? :dodgy:

It's very cruel of her to be posting from Gran Canaria in the lovely warm sunshine while we are all shivering in our thermals!!! :P:P:P



Lol. I am sure that Cindy will come back with a response upon her return.

Ben 11 years ago
Hi Sally!

Haha, I couldn't do that to Cindy....even though I too am in desperate need of some sun! :thumbup:

