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I'm doing this trip on 16th May and I agree, there is always a great mix of people on these tours and we all seem to get along fine. There's been people around my age, early 40's, on both of the JY tours I've been on up to now, but I find the older people brilliant, I love hearing their stories.


'Ben' wrote:

Good morning Jackie,

Thanks for getting in touch, my apologies, I have to look down a very long list of names/numbers/DOBs etc and sometimes I miss a number, you are quite right, the age range is now 46 - 74. To date there are 25 fellow travellers,

I hope this helps,

Ben :)

Hi Ben,

Thanks for your email - that's no problem - I was just a bit worried that my booking had not gone through correctly. That's great - 25 people already! I agree with other people that age is just a number & good to get a mixture of all ages with different life experiences. Really looking forward to it.

Kind Regards


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Jackie,

Thanks for getting in touch, my apologies, I have to look down a very long list of names/numbers/DOBs etc and sometimes I miss a number, you are quite right, the age range is now 46 - 74. To date there are 25 fellow travellers,

I hope this helps,

Ben 🙂

Morning Jenny,

I'm booked on this tour for 23 May, flying from Manchester.

I've travelled on many JY tours and, believe me, the ages don't matter in the least. All my tours have had mixed ages, from about 30 and on one tour the oldest lady was 80!! The older ones are always the funniest and contribute so much to the life and soul of the tour ~ always taking the younger ones "under thier wing".

Don't let age bother you "it's only a state of mind" after all.

Hope you decide on the tour, i'm sure we'll all enjoy it.


Hi Ben,

I am booked on this trip for 23/5, but aged 46??

Is it fully booked - if so please could you let me know how many people in the group?



'Ben' wrote:

Good afternoon Jenny,

Thanks for getting in touch, please find the details below:

2nd May - Ages range from 50 to 85

9th May - 51 to 81

23rd May - 48 to 73

I hope this helps, if I can answer any more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch,



Ben 12 years ago
Good afternoon Jenny,

Thanks for getting in touch, please find the details below:

2nd May - Ages range from 50 to 85

9th May - 51 to 81

23rd May - 48 to 73

I hope this helps, if I can answer any more questions please do not hesitate to get in touch,




Please would you be able to tell me the age ranges of the people booked on the Highlights of Tuscany tour departing on the following dates:

2nd May

9th May

23rd May

Many thanks
