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Hi Roger,

Thanks again for the info and the beer warning but the whisky could be £2 a bottle and I still wouldn't drink it lol. Just out of curiosity do they have local gin? Apparently drink is dearer in the hotels but thats only to be expected. I have seen a holiday programme which highlighted the scams expecially in Bangkok so will be extra careful.



RLJ 11 years ago
'ange1' wrote:

'RLJ' wrote:

'ange1' wrote:

Hi Debs, I have been told (by somebody that goes often and has just come back) to get my currency over in Thailand as the rate is much better out there. Over there you can get 48-49 baht per £1 but over here it varies from 42-45 baht. I actually ordered my money at 42 baht before looking on the internet and being informed by my friend - but fortunately I was able to cancel it. Not long now i really cant wait to meet everyone - Ange :-)

Hello ther Angie1

YES not long to go now !!! Looking forward but with some trepidation too. I have ordered some currency at the local PO, Then of course I read somewhere that the exchange in Thailand is better.I will try to cancell the order and buy the currency out there. Looking forward to meeting everyone.:thumbup: RLJ

Hi RJL, I also originally got my currency at the local PO before i managed to cancel it. I am travelling from Manchester, do you want my email address so we can exchange mobile numbers. We could then meet up at Manchester before the flight? Not long now :-)

Hello Angie

Yes it would be a lovely idea to meet up at Manchester airport before the flight. My e mail is so that we can exchange mobile phone numbers. Looking forward to hearing from you.:thumbup:RLJ

Hello Debs and Ange.

Just change one £20 note at the airport. I would assume that you will be taken to your hotel by coach in which case you really should have no immediate need to use thai currency. You can buy duty free before immigration which is a bit cheaper than Heathrow but not really worth the hassle. Word of caution, NEVER let your credit card out of your sight. This may be the land of smiles but it is also the land of very big scams. No need to feel alarmed, just use a bit of common sense. As regards the beer. The minimum strength of the beer here is 5%ABV which can be a bit of a shock if you are unaware of it. Also you can only buy alcohol in retail stores (officially) between 11am and 2pm and 5pm until midnight. A bottle of scotch is about 400 baht (£8.50) and a can of beer 40 baht (85p). There is a small word used by expats over her i.e TIT (this is Thailand). Prepare for the unexpected. You will have a fabulous time. Just remember that if you wouldn't do it at home, don't do it in Thailand.

Hi Roger

Many thanks for the currency info its very useful. I had asked about the rate on Friday and it had dropped to 41 Bahts so have decided to just take sterling and change some at the Airport and the rest at the bank. Any more tips you can think of will be much appreciated as you seem very knowledgeable. I haven't travelled that far east so really looking forward to learning the culture and sampling the local food and dare I say beer!!!!! Time off work and hot weather, I can't wait :-)



'RLJ' wrote:

'ange1' wrote:

Hi Debs, I have been told (by somebody that goes often and has just come back) to get my currency over in Thailand as the rate is much better out there. Over there you can get 48-49 baht per £1 but over here it varies from 42-45 baht. I actually ordered my money at 42 baht before looking on the internet and being informed by my friend - but fortunately I was able to cancel it. Not long now i really cant wait to meet everyone - Ange :-)

Hello ther Angie1

YES not long to go now !!! Looking forward but with some trepidation too. I have ordered some currency at the local PO, Then of course I read somewhere that the exchange in Thailand is better.I will try to cancell the order and buy the currency out there. Looking forward to meeting everyone.:thumbup: RLJ

Hi RJL, I also originally got my currency at the local PO before i managed to cancel it. I am travelling from Manchester, do you want my email address so we can exchange mobile numbers. We could then meet up at Manchester before the flight? Not long now 🙂

Hi Roger, thanks for the information that is very useful. Just to clarify do you mean just change one £20 note at Bankok airport just for a small amount of baht change and then find a Kasikorn bank when we get to the hotel in Bankok? Thanks Ange
I live and have lived in Thailand for the past 14 years. The £ has had a very bad week and today at 11am Kasikorn Bank ( formerly Thai Farmers) was offering an exchange rate for travellers cheques of of 45.1THB for 1GBP, Siam Commercial Bank was selling at 44.9. Siam Commercial charge 3% commission for travellers cheques whilst Kasikorn only charge 33baht per cheque . If you are going to use an ATM machine over here you will be charged 150 baht for each transaction. All banks charge this. Irrespective what your UK bank may offer you will have to pay this charge e.g. if you withdraw 5000 baht you will be paying 5150 baht. The best bank for exchange rates is Kasikorn and unfortunately when you exit Immigration at Bangkok you will see Siam Commercial exchange booths which offer very poor rates. My honest advice would be to change a £20 note ( no commission charges on notes) on arrival at Bangkok and wait until you find a Kasikorn bank.
RLJ 11 years ago
'ange1' wrote:

Hi Debs, I have been told (by somebody that goes often and has just come back) to get my currency over in Thailand as the rate is much better out there. Over there you can get 48-49 baht per £1 but over here it varies from 42-45 baht. I actually ordered my money at 42 baht before looking on the internet and being informed by my friend - but fortunately I was able to cancel it. Not long now i really cant wait to meet everyone - Ange :-)

Hello ther Angie1

YES not long to go now !!! Looking forward but with some trepidation too. I have ordered some currency at the local PO, Then of course I read somewhere that the exchange in Thailand is better.I will try to cancell the order and buy the currency out there. Looking forward to meeting everyone.:thumbup: RLJ

Hi Debs, I have been told (by somebody that goes often and has just come back) to get my currency over in Thailand as the rate is much better out there. Over there you can get 48-49 baht per £1 but over here it varies from 42-45 baht. I actually ordered my money at 42 baht before looking on the internet and being informed by my friend - but fortunately I was able to cancel it. Not long now i really cant wait to meet everyone - Ange 🙂
Hi again to everyone who's jetting off to the far east on this trip in 3 weeks time - gosh not long now!!!! I wondered if anybody who went on the last trip has got any useful tips/recommendations etc such as the excursions, packing and where to get currency or anything else we should know. I hope it was a fabulous trip and can't wait till we go - nervous excitement kicking in now!!!

