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Ben 12 years ago
Good morning Julie,

Thanks for getting in touch, to date there are 9 fellow travellers on the Singapore pre tour stopover, it is worth bearing in mind that not all of our customers use the forum, I'm sorry to hear you haven't heard from anyone. It may be worth posting another message as its getting closer to the departure time, it may have just been missed before.

Your Tour Manager is a lovely lady called Carole Mutch, I hope this helps and you have a super time :)



Hi Ben, wondered if you could help re: the above tour. I have messaged on "say hello to other travellers" a number of times to ask if anyone would like to get in contact to meet at airport to go to Singapore and so far there have been no replies. Although it's my 2nd JY tour starting to feel nervous. Also do you know who tour manager will be? Thank you, Julie. :huh: