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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Ben 11 years ago
Good afternoon,

I have spoke to Will, one of our product managers and he says that Lake Bled may well be offered all year round, however it won't be in time for 2013 departures as the holidays are planned so far in advance, but it may well be featured for 2014.

I hope this helps,



Hi Ben, Is there any chance or intention of this holiday running throughout the year. I have mentioned this idea before but didnt get any feedback?


Ben 11 years ago
Hi Sylvia,

Thanks for getting in touch, I can confirm that your Tour Manager is a super Gentleman called Paul Mukerji, you'll have a lovely time with him, Paul will be also flying out with you from London. To date there are 25 fellow travellers with 10 places remaining.

I hope this helps,



Hi Ben

I'm booked on this trip. Can you let me know how many fellow travellers there are? Also, has the tour manager been appointed yet?

Many thanks
