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Ben 11 years ago
Hi Cindy 🙂 




I have a flicker a/c so that sounds like a good idea to me Might make me upload more onto it.

Are we able to upload a profile picture like we used to? I have tried a few times of late with no success.


Ben 11 years ago
Good morning Mike,

I hope you had a great time, unfortunately we are unable to upload photos onto the forum, it will be a feature put in place sometime in the future when we upgrade the forum, but for now we don't want to cause any disruption, however, we have a Facebook page! 

Please feel free to upload some there and share the Facebook link with everyone so they can view them, I will also be setting up a Flickr account in the near future so you will also be able to start uploading albums there.

I look forward to seeing your photos on Facebook 🙂



Dear Ben,

I've just returned from the Barcelona holiday and have many photos (approx.550) - could I upload a selected few?

How do I do this?
