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'LindaJW' wrote:

Hi, can anyone advise me on the best way to carry money in the US? I would like to take a mix of currency, travel cheques or card. How easy or difficult is it to change travel cheques? Thanks.

I went to the USA last year and had trouble changing cheques. It was not until we got to Las Vegas that I was able to. In future I might try a combination of currency and pre-paid card as I don't have a credit card. Good luck


Thanks folks for your advice. Much appreciated.

I would go along with what Ben is is years and years ago I got travellers cheques, I don't bother with a pre paid card. I just go with Cash and Cards, just make sure to tell the card people you are traveling out to the USA some need the information others don't..better to be safe than sorry. Never had a problem with any of the cards I have taken. I have in the past heard some people have had trouble changing the Travellers cheques.



I'd agree with Ben Travellers cheques can be diffcult to change in many countries nowadays.

Personally I just take Dollars and try to estimate how many i'll need, but to be honest I don't worry about not spending them all because I know I'll go to the States again (same thing with Euro). I also take some Sterling that i can change in an emergency plus my credit & debit card for emergency use (be sure to tell your bank where you are going).

I've not used the pre-paid cards but many people do, think they are a far better option than travellers cheques.


Ben 11 years ago
Hi Linda,

Personally I would take a mixture of cash and cards. If you don't have a credit card, you should be able to use your debit card to withdraw cash from ATMs, but check with your bank before you go and let them know when you are travelling.

Travellers cheques are OK but can be a pain to get changed.

Another option is to get a pre-paid cash card, which allows you to load on money in advance and use like you would a credit card. There are plenty of these around, a popular one is offered by the Post Office,

Kind regards,


Hi, can anyone advise me on the best way to carry money in the US? I would like to take a mix of currency, travel cheques or card. How easy or difficult is it to change travel cheques? Thanks.