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Hi Haffy and Ben!

Very much looking forward to Monday!

I'm just wondering if there's wifi at the hotel.

Ben 12 years ago
Good morning,

For some reason our system was incorrect temporarily, your confirmation is quite correct! Sorry about that!

Ok, so to date your Tour is fully booked with 30 fellow travellers, with ages ranging from 22 to 78.

I hope this helps, and you have a super trip,



Afternoon Ben,

On my confirmation it has 8-15 October. Hopefully, this is correct:exclamation:

Ben 12 years ago
Good afternoon,

Thanks for getting in touch, can I please just confirm your departure date, I see the October departure date as the 3rd October 2012.



Morning Ben,

I'm looking forward to my holiday. Can you give me an idea of numbers, ages etc.